Canned Heat - Dont Know Where She Went She Split Lyrics
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Dont Know Where She Went She Split Song Lyrics
Canned Heat
Song Title:
Dont Know Where She Went She Split
Print Version
Don't know why she left me
Don't know where she went
Lookin' for my baby
I'm broke, what a bash it's been
'Cause she split
Yeah, she split
Packed her suitcase, now my baby's gone
When she left this mornin'
She packed her suitcase tight
Told my pretty baby
She didn't treat me right
'Cause she split
Yeah, she split
Packed her suitcase, now my baby's gone
--- Guitar Solo ---
Went down to my buddy's
Knocked on his front door
Asked him 'bout my baby
She ain't here no more
'Cause she split
Yeah, she split
Packed her suitcase, now my baby's gone
Sell my pretty Cadillac
Get me a lot of bread
Find my pretty baby
Bust her in the head
Oh, she split
Yeah, she split
Packed her suitcase, now my baby's gone
--- Guitar Solo ---
Don't know why she left me
Don't know where she went
I'm lookin' for my baby
I'm broke, what a bash it's been
'Cause she split
Yeah, she split
Packed her suitcase, now my baby's gone
Packed her suitcase, now my baby's gone
Packed her suitcase, now my baby's gone
Dont Know Where She Went She Split Lyrics
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