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The Pick-Axe Murders Song Lyrics
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Other Cannibal Corpse song Lyrics | Zero The Hero "Accept the fact that you're the second rate Life is easy for you It's all served up on a gold plated plate And we don't even to talk to you..." | ECSTACY IN DECAY "Immense oceans of gore, Rivers of pus, Mountains of bones Rapture,..." | Entrails Ripped From A Virgins Cunt "Alive alone now that they've gone dead but unburied I've seen it unfold, terrible scenes of agony Eyes in the darkness Echoing their madness..." | Beyond The Cemetery "Nude and violated I raped the life from her body Lying dead the insects bite her pale skin My marks of torture Left on my daughter..." | When Death Replaces Life "Smashing the human horde Crushing religious filth Nailing invertedly the ones who plant the seeds Of doubt..." | Worm Infested "Enter the graveyard, Searching for a female corpse Dead for thirteen years The perfect whore to fill my need..." | Pulverised "Temptation to kill again, the sensation comes over me. An addiction to murdering, I can't stop killing. You tried to stop me, dead, before you started. Put me away, before I put another in the grave...." | Hammer Smashed Face ( Live) "There's something inside me It's, it's coming out I feel like killing you Let loose the anger, held back too long..." | |
...Show All | if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Bleeding" album, click "Cannibal Corpse Singer" and search album songs from the artist page. | |
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