Cannibal Ox - A B-Boys Alpha Lyrics

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Artist: Cannibal Ox
Song Title: A B-Boys Alpha
Visits: 800
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[Vast Aire]

My mother said, "You sucked my pussy when you came out

Don't ever talk back

I handed your life and I'll snatch it back"

I'm just a latch key kid with a snotty nose

High school drop out

Space, I'm around me whiteout

And I ain't dealin with no minimum wage

I'd rather construct rhymes on a minimum page

Cynical ways, cats sin for nickels these days

Pulling the chrome out

And you actin like pullin the chrome out

Hated the sound of grandma's cryin the crooked letter

You could hear it from the ground or when the sky thunders

Made you wonder 'bout early

Sunday morning

Relatives dressed in black and they all mourning

Flows be bangin in the paint, throwin elbows

My first fight was me against five boroughs

I lost my first witch

But remembered every detail of my first kiss

That's that Bronx Tale bliss

The holiest of holies

Hip hop, it was '88

Even at the age of 10, phrases levitate

Drinkin Lil' Hug quarter waters

Dodgin stray slugs on the corner in that exact order

While you playin, death is what happens

I found the passion in aerosol cans and hands clappin

Backspins, microphones and cats rappin

Linoleum and up rockers, the show shockers

Who rip Lee patches off of imposters

You ain't the Real McCoy, you a wind up toy

And it's gonna cost ya

And that's my B-Boy Alpha

*samples and scratches overlap*


Straight outta the depths of hell

Reflect the sect

And inhale the buddah wisdom

Envision and ? inscriptions of a mega spiritualism

Paint a picture from the spiritual

And seriously spit a lyric

That'll rip through a phsyical ligament

Trigger livin in these city limits

Limited with no money, goin through crazy minutes

Crazy thinkin of back in the days

When blazin a lazy written

Before we was swallowin duces, poppin with gooses

And rockin the bubble gooses

Trouble lose kid, puffin a lucci

Hoppin off Huffy, stealin Marvel comics and water uzis

All of us canoeing through sewers with juvenile manuevers

Caught up in nooses from borders with troubleshooters

On corners where coppers'll hop outta Dunkin Donuts

Poppin they gun and shoot us

For more of us aware of

Thinkin Rudy Guili don't give a FUCK ABOUT A MOULE!

Got me woozy, sippin Kaluha's loosin my noodles

Screwed up in the two triple losers

Sprayin it live, b-boy grafitti alpha

Out of rap-palooza

Looza, looza

*samples and scratches until fade*

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    I handed your life and I'll snatch it back"
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  • Battle for Asgard
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    But my ghetto is, animal found toast
    My shell, mechanical found ghost
    But my ghetto is, animal found toast..."
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    Its like we miss the feeling
    Of a never ending headache
    And a spinning ceiling..."
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    Think you got it figured out by now
    Yo, yo
    If first you don't succeed try, try again..."
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