Cannibal Ox - Battle for Asgard Lyrics

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Artist: Cannibal Ox
Song Title: Battle for Asgard
Visits: 746
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f/ C-Rayz Walz, L.I.F.E. Long

Into the war of the worlds, where cities twirl

L.I.F.E. Long shakin planets for the ?

? lands when I spit out and hurl words

It's a Stronghold writer's guild, Cannibal Ox take over your herd

We planted our flags on your soils

Despoiling opponents with turmoil

? couldn't be aluminum foil

We potent with rounds lit out similar to ?

I was there when it all first sparked

Jersey next to poisonous darts

Camouflaged with the dark, to blend in with the scenery

Snatch your whole team's referee machinery

Before knowin I landmine spot blowing

Throwing heads off tracks, smackin em with an open palm


Make your whole body feel it when I spray

The battle's just begun, it gets deeper as the song plays

Mega with his arms folded

Fists balled up

Toast (?) on the side of my waist

V on the buckle of the belt

Rappin' hell (?)

Cape flowin

Still standin

With two cannons

1 3 2 got me vanished

Ninja in the night with the phantoms

Amped up, set off hoppers (?)

See rays blast from the optics

Livin in fucked up ghetto economics

Spit from the voicebox, nasty with sonics

Animals released out of boxes

Plus we got that Stronghold on the throat

That'll leave you all gone on the float

Split belly cos you off the boat

The battle for Asgard and we fight as gods

Shatter your glass cage into a thousand crystal shards

I stayed in the basement, like the Krupa Kid (?)

Shut the city down like Baghdad Lubavich (?)

Your stupid clique wrestle warlocks

The audience backed you

I drank eight ounces of water

With my time capsule

Wrote rhymes before all the times when mother nature's fabric

A hard rock, I descended from stone tablets

Juggle your bones and poems, about to see foes

Who couldn't bounce from spot to spot like wheat toast (?) (so?)

Allow me to surf on your brain waves with jet skis

Unless you want your wrists to part like the red sea

On the roof of hell, you got stomped by angel's feet

Cause you can't be down, you had gravity deficiency

(We spit thoughts!)

I translate harpoons to sharp death

When the point is made, from my underwater breath

Don't get walls confused with linoleum

And try to cut my square like a scared custodian (know me son!)

Every bite upon, I told you not to get it on

But you still trip the holes with a broken magic wand

Strong Atoms, whole family dear

To duplicate & recreate could take a light year

Squeeze your head into a sneaker, lace your face

Throw you in a black hole, make you swim through space

We mind-bogglin, spine-tinglin

Got the scroll of Galactus now I'm planet-swallowin

Megala's got the surfboard and he's hollerin

All arch-enemies must die

And I know you not unbreakable son, that's a lie

And you can't have my 3.14, that's my pi... (stupid!)

I'm a diamond in the rough, and you're lucy in the sky with a cubit

Your raps don't do it

I deal with cloud nigga patrol

Plus my real name is closer to Thor's than yours

Where we practice there is no flaw

This is the battle for Asgard (say no more)

Atoms fam & Stronghold, nuclear clamp the mic

And you and your best friend don't even sound tight

I guess something ain't right

We like constellations when they close in

The lost sons of Odin

With a mouthful of parables to get em open

But the psionic imagery'll leave em frozen

I used to outdo cats like you in my lunch period

Then conversate with the burning bush about a period

And bust through your ego like the high line (?) of scrimmage

Right for the goal, your warning comes in 2 minutes

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