Cannibal Ox - Real Earth Lyrics

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Artist: Cannibal Ox
Song Title: Real Earth
Visits: 791
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[Vast Aire Kramer]
They lied - when they said there was no airAire in space
MC shit right here, master of ceremonies
All that other garbage
("one dimensional emcees can't handle that")

Yo, music is my love, press play on stereoid
Life is a breath of fresh air, mahogon-oid
Negroids act like Sigmund Freud
Dreaming of a perfect i-roid, screaming cerebrum steroid
Faking-jack decoys got beef with Ox
You can get caught in my Real Earth chatterbox
That's virtual (virtual), if you drunk a V8
You couldn't be parallel, because hell is vertical
Aha, fooled ya, thought it was beneath you
Got propelled in the sky, now soul is see-through
But it doesn't matter cause there's no molecules
Then genius becomes burden to ridicule
Realize much at stake
And excuse me for lack of better words, that's my bond that never breaks
Pierce hearts with stakes, bloodsuckers cast no reflection
In my prism detention, they hate
On Prison's intentions, get diesel, read a book
Find god in a cell block, that's your fate
I'm that voice in the back of LL's head saying
"You gonna let a weed plant do that?" yeah, I like to instigate
This aint a space race so why you rushin'
To be the first to catch a concussion, from El-P's percussion
Watch me throw a sentence in the air, say word up
That's just a phrase for my action, like a bum with a cup
And Rome wasn't built in a day but it fell in one
And you don't got half of a step but you walk like one
I got calluses on my hand 'cause I held the sun uneven

I, got the weight of the world on my chest and still breathin'
Can-Ox is like 007 and man from ??
You off the top broke but I rip the turn-buckle
You a halloween thug,

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Other Cannibal Ox song Lyrics
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    I handed your life and I'll snatch it back"
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  • B-Boy Alpha
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    I handed your life and I'll snatch it back"
    I'm just a latch key kid with a snotty nose..."
  • Battle For Asgard (featuring LIFE Long C-Rayz Walz)
    "Into the war of the worlds, where cities twirl
    L.I.F.E. Long shakin planets for the ?
    ? lands when I spit out and hurl words
    It's a Stronghold writer's guild, Cannibal Ox take over your herd..."
  • Battle for Asgard
    "f/ C-Rayz Walz, L.I.F.E. Long
    Into the war of the worlds, where cities twirl
    L.I.F.E. Long shakin planets for the ?
    ? lands when I spit out and hurl words..."
  • Cholesterol
    "Yeah, what, Vast Aire,; Shell Shock..
    It's that gravy, you know what I'm saying?
    This goes out to my beloved Family of Atoms
    This goes out the Indelible MC's - you know they STAY unmovable..."
  • Iron Galaxy
    "My shell, mechanical found ghost
    But my ghetto is, animal found toast
    My shell, mechanical found ghost
    But my ghetto is, animal found toast..."
  • Painkillers
    "Yo, some nights we got so drunk
    Its like we miss the feeling
    Of a never ending headache
    And a spinning ceiling..."
  • Pigeon
    "Metallic wing pigeon. . .
    Cannibal Ox. . .
    Birds of the same feather flock together
    Congested on a majestic street corner..."

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