Cannibal Ox - Scream Phoenix Lyrics

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Artist: Cannibal Ox
Song Title: Scream Phoenix
Visits: 726
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[Vast Aire]

I know cats are on some shit

But we about to elevate right now

Bout to scream Phoenix. . .


Mega, Allah's stars seen only afar

The physical of ma chosen, my craft is balls

We rebels righteous, and stand and scowl in the heightness

Rep life, graf artists and ghetto writers united

Starvin' with one table and no mic

And still get it on bombin' and flow nice

Spit vomit and throw dice

Taking chances with life trying to get by

And stop all the time trying to get high

Gotta clear mind and stay focused, avoid serpents

And worship life, we like merchants

Street peasants with these lessons

Live, build, and pass away, and keep stressin'

Thinking how we gonna master days

With passion, that's why we rap this way

From Manhattan 115 to 135

We pigeons became phoenix with open mind

To open yours, flow the raw innovative



so when you see me shine light (better scream phoenix)

the god locked in a cell (scream phoenix)

moms can't post bail (you gotta scream phoenix)

Jésus on a crucifix (scream phoenix)

Jésus on a crucifix (scream phoenix)

Jésus on a crucifix

[Vast Aire]

Yo, birds of the same flock together

Congested on a majestic * cuts off * no! no! no!

My feathers and flames are one skin

Hallowed be Thy name in the beginning there was no sin

We in the ninth inning, and I'm God body trying to win

Flying against the wind

But now my shell is weightless and fireproof

But the truth is I'm proof of living fire

I'm not made of organics, not even wires

Just felt my body light up and heard the choir

See to the common fowl the phoenix is Sire

Most high of all things to ever have wings

Existence is struggle, resistance is futile

Meanwhile we now possess the power of ten suns

To transcend and elevate into one

Famine, disease and senseless dieing is done

Pigeon bird got a breath left

Heart beat no more

Phoenix bird morph and we live off the G-force


scream phoenix

the god locked in a cell (scream phoenix)

moms can't post bail (scream phoenix)

Jésus on the crucifix (scream phoenix)

Scream Phoenix Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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