Cannibal Ox - The F-Word Lyrics

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Artist: Cannibal Ox
Song Title: The F-Word
Visits: 939
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It's like, I care about you, I think about you all the time

it's like, we friends and shit?

which means we treat each other right

you'll be there for me when you gonna be there for me

Verse 1: [Vast Aire Kramer]

yo it wasn't even like that

I wanted my cardiovascular to fight back

cupid had me runnin' circles blindfolded

in the daytime with a flashlight looking for her

yo, sit back, relax and smell the roses

a fly girl by any other name would still be that

but the trick is to see that

I'm caught in between future's fantasies and memories I played back

told my man I started sword fighting

'cause fencing was similar to tongue kissing

if you wait too long you gonna end up confessin'

all I think about is you undressin'

I extended my thoughts in a relationship

but they sunk like the titanic relation-ships

she was in a love triangle

but it wasn't like my feelings weren't there to make it a square

penny's for her thoughts

she's my very own American Beauty, red petals when we talk

...the f word

Chorus 1: [Vordul Megalon]

She like music, got me heavily booted(?)

when I'm out with her feelings be mixin'

chemical elixirs, caught her like a sickness

and can't get rid of it, these sexual addictions

Chorus 2: [Vordul]

tangle witted in my opposite sex friendships

with too many emotions, got me bent up

and it's real ill when something going on

but nothings being said trying to figure it out

wrapped all in your head just spit it out and I'll

truly understand what the problem is

'cause you got me twisted tryin' to stress birds

kickin' that f word

fuckin around, flirtin' and stressin' my nerves

Verse 2: [Vast]

check this situation, I wore my lust like cologne

she called it Obsession

the background's black and white and we adolescents

like what the fuck we know about love?

the more I learn it's like the Clash of the Titans

all I wanna do is avoid fightin'

a little arguing's okay but not everyday

and if we can't communicate what we got decays

until the smell gets more pungent

to the point where we can't be seen in public

body parts fallin' apart, a symbol of what things do

or better yet, a symbol of what friends do, they die

and together forever just sounds fly

that's how it sounded to me when I heard it

and slow motion was her lips as she worded

the f word

"don't take it personal, I like you a lot but I don't wanna lose what we got"

but what we got now is friction

she tellin' me intimacy and friendship she ain't mixin'

the f word

Chorus 1

Verse 3: [Vast]

yo, you burnin' the candle at both ends

I'm supposed to be the friend, I'm gettin' fried in the end

the big bang theory, what is this a trend?

you ask a girl out and the universe extends

tell me to talk to the hand again and I'll read your palm

I'm smellin' your shit now, don't know how to call

all I wanted was grounds for understanding

I ain't greedy, but to hold your heart I gotta put my hand in, why debate?

you think you can fit me in that anorexic space between love and hate?

I got all of the first one and none of the other

and that's something I learned from my sister and my mother

thought we was close in the genesis before all this

technology was cordless, a senseless courtship

this is more than just a song and when he's treating you wrong

I'm more than just a shoulder to cry on

the F word

Chorus 1 & 2

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