Cannibal Ox - Vein Lyrics

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Artist: Cannibal Ox
Song Title: Vein
Visits: 750
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Pop goes the flow of the weasel

Strapped with an Ox full of diesel

Trapped in the desert with eagles

Thoughts of ghetto acapellas in cathedrals

Spilling heavy gospels with cheaters

Twisted up, high off the reefer

Lost beyond regions of logic and reason, just being

We high so be not so obedient to society's laws and limitations

Lost in this ghetto population

I'm just another face that's facing all types of, like

Stereotypes and hatred

But I ain't going to whet that and get all stressed out

I'm just trying to make it and strive with my...


Hell went through changes, emotions, inner thoughts and rages

Relieved and released on pages

My life in its cycle and stages

Seen through descriptions in nature

Ever since back in the days when niggaz was loving and hating

Everyone trapped and two thou caught The Matrix

With diseases of judgement that breed through the hatred

Conceived through these scenes and then painted

Now what really defines the line of a hater

And what defines the line of someone even greater

And what makes somebody jump that line trying to take it

Wrapped behind enemy lines trying to make it

Mind in another universe while my physical's stuck on the earth

In these inner city mazes

[Vast Aire]

Yo (11x)

Lay that shit down

What is you, a clown?

You wanna see a little kid get shot?

Give me two good reasons so I don't smack you

For flashing a gun in my face just to get some respect

All in all, it's all love and I'm here to protect

You only twelve years old, someone'll snap your neck

You let your pants sag, but your thoughts gotta pull up

Mental calisthenics, lazer brains can't push up

Or even sit up to fight for what they believe in

He thought about it

I said, "Peace, keep breathing."

I see him mumbling, shrugging his shoulder

He probably cursing, but he know better

He had a beretta with the rubbed off serial digit

And I know he got it from Carlos The Midget

The only cat I know cold enough to hustle shit to kids

Been in this three man team forming eight arm squid

And they laugh in the face of

Any possibilities of being through and dead

We're all from the same ghettos

And these are the same hollow tips that knock nearly out of stilettos

He cocked first, I cocked second

And in that exact second both of the gats burst

"Man, this is your last fucking chance."

"Fuck you, this is your last chance."


Live and orchestrated

From blocks where animals grew up as four lazers

We twist mad sabres

Rock the sky pimping jays all day blazes

Wrapped in these inner city mazes

Relaxing on corners where cats stay wasted

Choking on 4-0 basics, you taste it

My life's an oasis, this trife's what I make it

Straight through these days spitting raps that laced it

I'm just trying to blaze these mics on the stages

Write on these pages like life as a scene, in amazement

Like, "Ima stay blazing mics until I'm fading

Off of this surface to return to my nature"

In the meantime, spit flows and cop acres

Put my fam in it with shelter that spaces

Everyday life, yo, is rap in these mazes

I'm just trying to make it

The O-E slowly dissolves in my belly, got me aching

Niggaz up the block, yo I swear, trying to take it

But I'ma stay patient, watching every move made in the jungle

It's live trying to strive in this struggle

New York state of mind, that's the home that I come to

Nothing but pigeons living, trapped in this system

Bleeding, screaming...phoenix

We needed that scrap for that meaning to stay shining

Trying to escape out of hellfires and lakes

Brain on another plane gliding through acid rain

That's stress trying to master pain

Spit words, not to hurt, but to bash your brain

That's the worth of an MC wrapped in the vein

New York

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