Canto Bel - Disappear Club 5 Lyrics

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Artist: Canto Bel
Canto Bel Author
Song Title: Disappear Club 5
Visits: 717
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First thing i woke up and out my bare feet on the floor
Shuffled away to the bathroom and opend the door
Thenb checked my voice mail, got dressed and drove in to the day
Remembering i was running away from a place thet i knew
Remembering i was trying to remember why
Honey i`ts not enough i`ve checked it out
It`s disappear club 5, or what?
I peeped into your file of fackts i saw it in your book
Workday as usual with meetings and conference calls
An assistant of mine gave me looks i have not seen before
I then took the elevator and out on the streets
Cars cept on passing me
Merging and blastering off into the night
Noticed a sign saying disappear here once again
Honey it`s not enough i`ve checked it out
It`s disappear club 5 or what
I peeped into your file of facts i saw it in your book
Honey it`s not enough i`ve checked it out
The password`s "gemini" or what?
I paeeped it`s true and that`s a fackt
t as bad as it looks
Remembering how it was to escape from a place thet i knew
Remembering i was trying to remember why
Hioney it`s not enough ive checked it out
It`s disappear club 5, or what?
I peeped into your file of facts i saw it in your book
Honey it`s not enough i checked it out
It`s fiveteen minutes down the block
You could have told me, really shuld
It`s as bad as it looks
As bad as bad as it looks
As bad as it looks
Remember why...

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Other Canto Bel song Lyrics
  • Blank Sheets
    "When we're discovering lies
    Our pride will be in vain
    Now, recirculate your thoughts
    Make them new again..."
  • Dreaming Girl
    "I am such a peculiar girl
    Have my dreams and thoughts in another world
    But I live my life
    So lost in time, so lost in space..."
  • Capio
    Sera' la candidez
    Sera' la nina
    La historia pasa..."
  • Intravenous
    "Send me a message
    Escort me through the passage
    Into the dark side of life
    Let me slip into the eternity..."
  • Birds of Passage
    "Feel the wind on the ridges
    The whirls in the meadows
    The ice-capped reed announce
    That the air is colder..."
  • Oyster
    "The key to your box, it is out of my reach
    I've been searching for it so long
    If I could live in the open sea
    I would surely have found the one..."
  • Continuum
    "Embrujo, bajo el sol
    Cuando llueve y sube el calor
    Mojando la piel
    Ven aqui, junto a mi..."
  • Dewy Fields
    Go to seek and find
    What you're hoping for

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