Canto Bel - Sleepwalker Lyrics

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Artist: Canto Bel
Canto Bel Author
Song Title: Sleepwalker
Visits: 714
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Grandpa gor trapped in the walls of mist
He tried to flee and measure out the view from his braincloud
But the higher he climbed, the more they dragged him down

He loved to sing
He didn't dare to talk
He loved to sing but he didn't dare to talk

A woman got injected with the poison from a man
Struggled for a lifetime to wake up and understand
Steady on, sleepwalker
Steady on, sleepwalker

There's so much more than this I swear
There's so much more than this
Would you care?
Know that someone like this could have been spared
Life's worth more than this, I swear

The longer you let it wait it'll catch you up, you up
Whenever you walk away, it'll catch you up, you up
If you do ignore their fates, it'll catch you up, you up
The consequenses of foul play is that it'll catch you up, see?

Boy, it's got to stop, to stop!
Boy, it's got to stop, to stop! S.T.O.P

Steady on, sleepwalker
Steady on, sleepwalker

There's so much more than this I swear
Life's worth more than this
Would you care?
No, that someone like this should have been there
Know there's more love to life than this

The longer you hesitate, it'll catch you up, you up
Whenever you look away, it'll catch you up, you up
Don't watch their lives drift away
It'll catch you up, you up
No, the consequences of foul play is that it'll catch you up, see?

Steady on
Steady on

Sleepwalker Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Canto Bel song Lyrics
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    Our pride will be in vain
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    Make them new again..."
  • Dreaming Girl
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    But I live my life
    So lost in time, so lost in space..."
  • Capio
    Sera' la candidez
    Sera' la nina
    La historia pasa..."
  • Intravenous
    "Send me a message
    Escort me through the passage
    Into the dark side of life
    Let me slip into the eternity..."
  • Birds of Passage
    "Feel the wind on the ridges
    The whirls in the meadows
    The ice-capped reed announce
    That the air is colder..."
  • Oyster
    "The key to your box, it is out of my reach
    I've been searching for it so long
    If I could live in the open sea
    I would surely have found the one..."
  • Continuum
    "Embrujo, bajo el sol
    Cuando llueve y sube el calor
    Mojando la piel
    Ven aqui, junto a mi..."
  • Dewy Fields
    Go to seek and find
    What you're hoping for

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