Cantrell Blu - 10000 Times Lyrics

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Artist: Cantrell Blu
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Song Title: 10000 Times
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Been in love 10,000 times, and I've been hurt 10,000 times
Yet and still you want a try But what would do if I gave my love to you
Would you hurt me too

Been a long time since I been serious
Now you're curious
Well I can't stand to feel your touch
I might start to like it a little too much, and it hurts
But I'm pushin' you away
Cause three months from
And now you won't stay
Just when lovin' get good, you'll be gone
And I'll be left with a broken heart to heal all alone

Been in love 10,000 times, and I've been hurt 10,000 times
Yet and still you want a try But what would do if I gave my love to you
Would you hurt me too

Keep telling me it won't be
What I'm used to, you won't hurt me
But that's so hard to believe, 'cause everyone has said the same damn thing to me,
And the sad thing is I want you
But my heart keeps telling me
Don't trust you, 'cause just when the loving gets good, you'll be gone
And I'll be left with a broken heart to heal all alone

Been in love 10,000 times, and I've been hurt 10,000 times
Yet and still you want a try But what would do if I gave my love to you
Would you hurt me too

Been in love 10,000 times, and I've been hurt 10,000 times
Yet and still you want a try But what would do if I gave my love to you
Would you hurt me too

Maybe love just ain't for me
Why does this keep happening
Maybe one day I'll trust you, but for now
Here's what I'm gonna say to you!

Been in love 10,000 times, and I've been hurt 10,000 times
Yet and still you want a try But what would do if I gave my love to you
Would you hurt me too

Been in love 10,000 times, and I've been hurt 10,000 times
Yet and still you want a try But what would do if I gave my love to you
Would you hurt me too

10000 Times Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Cantrell Blu song Lyrics
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  • I Love You
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  • Sleep in the Middle
    "Bad ass decisions made from a fear of being alone all by myself again
    Sitting in the den and looking at the phone, as if it owes... Owes me a favor
    As I reverse my earlier making of a king-sized bed
    And as a queen without a king, now I realize..."
  • Risk It All
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    Where would I be without
    the love you give so freely
    I'd risk it all for you,..."
  • Dont Wanna Say Goodbye
    "I can barely remember
    What it was that made me walk away
    But something inside my heart
    is telling me I still love you..."
  • Happily Ever After
    "Happily ever after
    I'll be
    Let's start a story chapter
    Happily ever after we'll be..."
  • Holding on to Love
    you've changed the way
    That I love and the way
    that I live my life..."
  • Let Her Go
    "why dont you just keep it real,
    let her know just how you feel,
    if you love her let her go, her go.
    when you met her it was good,..."

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