Capercaillie - Alasdair Mhic Colla Lyrics

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Artist: Capercaillie
Capercaillie Author
Album: The Blood Is Strong (1999)
Capercaillie - The Blood Is Strong Album
Song Title: Alasdair Mhic Colla
Genre: Folk
Visits: 934
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Alasdair Mhic oho
Cholla ghasda oho
As do laimh-s' gun oho
Earbhainn tapaidh trom eile

Chall eile bho chall a ho ro
Chall eile bho chall a ho ro
Chall eile huraibh i chall a ho ro
's haoi o ho trom eile.

As do laimh-s' gun oho
Earbhainn tapaidh o ho
Mharbhadh Tighearna o ho
Ach-nam-Breac leat trom eile

Dh'adhlacadh an o ho
Uir an loch e o ho
'S ged 's beag mi fhein o ho
Bhuail mi ploc air trom eile

'S ged 's beag mi fhein o ho
Bhuail mi ploc air o ho
Chuala m'in de o ho
Sgeul nach b'ait learn trom eile

Chuala m'in de o ho
Sgeul nach b'ait learn o ho
Glaschu a bhith a ho
Dol 'na lasair trom eile

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    The party's over and the thrill is gone
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    They're running down the empty street..."
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Blood Is Strong" album, click "Capercaillie Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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