Capitols - Cool Jerk Lyrics

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Artist: Capitols
Song Title: Cool Jerk
Visits: 841
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Cool jerk, cool jerk, cool jerk, cool jerk
We know a cat who can really do the cool jerk
We know a cat who can really do the cool jerk
This cat they're talking about
I wonder who could it be
'Cause I know I'm the heaviest cat
The heaviest cat you ever did see
When you see me walking down the street
And they clapping and they speak
All the business they wish to whisper it
But they know I'm the king of the cool jerks
Cool jerk, cool jerk, cool jerk, cool jerk
Ah ha ha


Look at them guys looking at me like I'm a fool
Ah but deep down inside they know I'm cool
I said now,
I said now the moment of truth has finally come
When I'm gonna show you some, some of that cool jerk
Now give me a little bit of the drums by himself here
Now give me a little bit of bass with those eighty-eights
Ah you're cookin, mmmmmm you're smokin
Now everybody, I wanna hear you ah-h-h-h-hh
Can you do it can you do it
Can you do it can you do it
Can you do it can you do it
Cool jerk, come on people, cool jerk
When you see me walkin down the street
Then you think twice and then the next beat
On the chance that they don't make it work
Cause they know I'm the king of the cool jerk
Cool jerk, cool jerk
Come on people can you do it
Can you do it, can you do it
Can you do it, can you do it
Can you do it, can you do it
Can you do it, can you do it
Can you do it, can you do it


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