Captain Beyond - As the Moon Speaks Lyrics

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Artist: Captain Beyond
Song Title: As the Moon Speaks
Visits: 791
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What was my arm worth
When they took it away
And the spirit had rush upset
All of 'em promised to stay
Where did they put it, Bella
Where and which way
Did it start the man charged at me
And I'm in vain
Or is it with my brother
Is it with my brother
And I mean in this grave
Tell me
Tell me
Where do I go to find it
What is my arm's way
In a balance of things
Are there still birds a-flying
In a brushing of wings
Or could it still be disguised
As a terrible thing
And spoiling all them singing, Babe
And smashing up their wings
Wish I could go with them brother
Brother of all things
It's only a stub of the original thing
It was there when I signed
When I saluted my king
Tell me
Tell me
Where do I go to find it

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Other Captain Beyond song Lyrics
  • Armworth
    "She's taking her time making up the reasons
    To justify all the hurt inside
    Guess she knows from the smiles and the look in their eyes
    Everyone's got a theory about the bitter one..."
  • Myopic Void
    "I can't feel nothing
    I can't feel nothing
    I can't feel nothing
    I can't feel nothing..."
  • Mesmerization Eclipse
    "See the bright chipper in the harbor, hey
    Making irridescent waves
    Need to try a little harder
    On the voyage to better days..."
  • Raging River Of Fear
    "There's strange feeling coming down
    It's moving deep inside us
    Turbulent smoke signals
    Silent sound around us..."
  • Thousand Days Of Yesterday (intro)
    "A thousand days
    I just can't wait
    A thousand days
    Mama, don't mind, no..."
  • Frozen Over
    "Dancing madly backwards
    Dancing on a sea
    Racing on my memories
    I'm glad I set my dreams..."
  • As The Moon Speaks (Return)
    "As the moon speaks
    To the waves of the sea
    An open ocean relic
    Of the times it used to be..."
  • I Cant Feel Nothin (Part II)
    "Ah, here it comes!!!
    You know I can't feel nothing
    Ah you push me all the time
    You know, you know..."

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