Captain Jack - Sir Yes Sir Lyrics

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Artist: Captain Jack
Captain Jack Author
Song Title: Sir Yes Sir
Genre: Dance
Visits: 1099
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Sir, yes Sir !
You've gonna move your ass to my command Sir, yes Sir
Or do you wanna feel my hand ? Sir, no Sir

You soldiers love is muddy dirt Yes Sir yes Sir
Till every bone and muscle hurt No Sir no Sir
Move your ass to my command Yes Sir yes Sir
Or do you wanna feel my hand No Sir no Sir
This company wants to be the best Yes Sir yes Sir
Or are you less than all the rest No Sir no Sir
I'm tuff but deal with all aspects Yes Sir yes Sir
But when we're through you'll get a rest Yo yo yes Sir

Ejo zak zak zak Captain Jack is coming back
Turn it up, turn it down, move it all around
Pow wow tak tak tak come and fight for Captain Jack
You say yes, you say no, just say yes to start the show

Give me a hundred sit ups, fools Yes Sir yes Sir
You fuckers ain't that fuckin cool No Sir no Sir
For me you take off all your shirts Yes Sir yes Sir
Unless you want to eat some dirt No Sir no Sir
All of you get on the floor Yes Sir yes Sir
Or should I kick your ass some more No Sir no Sir
Scream and shout and call my name Yes Sir yes Sir
Or do you wanna feel the pain Yo yo yes Sir

You soldiers love is muddy dirt Yes Sir yes Sir
Till every bone and muscle hurt No Sir no Sir
Move your ass to my command Yes Sir yes Sir
Or do you wanna feel my hand No Sir no Sir
This company wants to be the best Yes Sir yes Sir
Or are you less than all the rest No Sir no Sir
I'm tuff but deal with all aspects Yes Sir yes Sir
But when we're through you'll get a rest Yo yo yes Sir

Give me a hundred sit ups, fools Yes Sir yes Sir
You fuckers ain't that fuckin cool No Sir no Sir
For me you take off all your shirts Yes Sir yes Sir
Unless you want to eat some dirt No Sir no Sir
All of you get on the floor Yes Sir yes Sir
Or should I kick your ass some more No Sir no Sir
Scream and shout and call my name Yes Sir yes Sir
Or do you wanna feel the pain Yo yo yes Sir

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Other Captain Jack song Lyrics
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    Get up and live for the moment
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    Then everything is all right..."
  • The Race
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    Ready for the race? Are you ready?
    Are you ready?..."
  • Robotman On Holiday
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    You're the master of technology
    You're the delta-chip for fantasy..."
  • Cosmic Evolution
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    Feel it raise to your mind
    Feel the vibes from outside, touch the blaze of emotion
    Cause you're one of a kind..."
  • Soldier Soldier
    "Mama told Mary not to go downtown
    Too many lovely boys hanging around
    Mary didn't listen, she went anyway
    There she met a boy who took her away..."
  • Little Boy
    "Dream on my little boy
    Dream on my little boy
    Dream on my little boy
    Go out and have some joy..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Mission" album, click "Captain Jack Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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