Carey Tony - Wonderland Lyrics
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Carey Tony Singer Lyrics
Wonderland Song Lyrics
Carey Tony
The Long Road (1992)
Song Title:
Rock: Hard-Rock
Print Version
well there's ice out on the highway an hour before the dawn
I guess the whole world's sleepin' and the miles just roll along
I told myself I'd make it back as soon as I could
and I hope you will be waiting there like you said you would
and you know we might have said some things we really didn't mean
we tried to cut the strings cut 'em off clean
I could see how much I hurt you when I packed it up and left
but I saw it in your eyes you thought it might be for the best
and I feel so down and alone
and I only want to come back home
take my hand my baby
tell me I'm still your man, my baby
we'll walk along the sand, my baby
it'll be like wonderland, my baby
just like wonderland
I'm workin' hard to get you out of my mind
I'll point this car somewhere and I'll drive away the time
and I said hey now I'm free, but I knew that wasn't true
every woman that I see would just remind me of you
and I feel so down and alone
and I only want to come back home
take my hand my baby
tell me I'm still your man, my baby
we'll walk along the sand, my baby
it'll be like wonderland, my baby
just like wonderland
why don't we see it when it's there all along
we let a good thing go so wrong
still want to love you babe as much as I can
I want to hold you in my arms, show you wonderland
take my hand my baby
tell me I'm still your man, my baby
we'll walk along the sand, my baby
it'll be like wonderland, my baby
just like wonderland
take my hand my baby (just like wonderland)
tell me I'm still your man, my baby
we'll walk along the sand, my baby
it'll be like wonderland, my baby (just like wonderland)
just like wonderland
oh yeah, just like wonderland
Wonderland Lyrics
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...Show All
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Carey Tony Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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