Carlisle Belinda - Whatever It Takes Lyrics
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Carlisle Belinda Singer Lyrics
Whatever It Takes Song Lyrics
Carlisle Belinda
Runaway Horses (1989)
Song Title:
Whatever It Takes
Rock: Pop-Rock
Print Version
I've seen the rain fall down
And wash away a town
I've seen strong hearts easily broken
Why do some things survive
While others live and die
How can a man let his love go unspoken
I couldn't stand to see us end up that way
Just another tragedy
And every night I promise another day
Whatever it takes
I will be there
By your side Baby anywhere
When you're lost and alone
I'll bring you home
I will come thru for you
Whatever it takes
Whatever you need
Whatever comes down between you and me
When the road gets rough
You've gotta trust
I will come thru for you
Whatever it takes
I've opened every door
I always wanted more
I didn't have much to believe in
I searched the world for you
I found what's really true
It's your love that gives me a reason
Baby it's only you who can free my heart
I can't do it on my own
You carry the light of day baby
Thru the dark
Whatever it takes
I will be there
By your side Baby anywhere
When you're lost and alone
I'll bring you home
I will come thru for you
Whatever it takes
Baby I'm bound to you to release my heart
I can't do it on my own
We'll find the light of day baby
Thru the dark
Whatever it takes
La La La La La
Whatever it takes
La La La La La
Whatever it takes
La La La La La
Whatever It Takes Lyrics
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I don't wanna be anybody's fool
No one can make me do
What I don't want to do - no, no..."
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Carlisle Belinda Singer
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