Carlton Vanessa - Twilight Lyrics
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Carlton Vanessa Singer Lyrics
Twilight Song Lyrics
Carlton Vanessa
Be Not Nobody (2003)
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[Verse 1]
I was stained, with a role, in a day not my own
But as you walked into my life you showed what needed to be shown
And I always knew, what was right I just didn't know that I might
Peel away and choose to see with such a different sight
And I will never see the sky the same way and
I will learn to say good-bye to yesterday and
I will never cease to fly if held down and
I will always reach too high cause I've seen, cause I've seen, twilight
[Verse 2]
Never cared never wanted
Never sought to see what flaunted
So on purpose so in my face Couldn't see beyond my own place
And it was so easy not to behold what I could hold
But you taught me I could change Whatever came within these shallow days
And I will never see the sky the same way and
I will learn to say good-bye to yesterday and
I will never cease to fly if held down and
I will always reach too high cause I've seen, cause I've seen
As the sun shines through it pushes away and pushes ahead
It fills the warmth of blue and leaves a chill instead and
I didn't know that I could be so blind to all that is so real
But as illusion dies I see there is so much to be revealed
And I will never see the sky the same way and
I will learn to say good-bye to yesterday and
I will never cease to fly if held down and
I will always reach too high cause I've seen, cause I've seen, twilight
[Verse 3]
I was stained, by a role, in a day not my own
But as you walked into my life you showed what needed to be shown
And I always knew, what was right
I just didn't know that I might
Peel away and choose to see with such a different sight
And I will never see the sky the same way and
I will learn to say good-bye to yesterday and
I will never cease to fly if held down and
I will always reach too high cause I've seen, cause I've seen, twilight...
Twilight Lyrics
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Other Carlton Vanessa song Lyrics
Ordinary Day
"Just a day,
Just an ordinary day.
Just tryin to get by.
Just a boy,..."
"if only I could get into that corner of your head
where things finally match and meet the standards that you set
oh how I wish I was the treasure that you were lookin' for
bet I would feel better if only I could find the door..."
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Walking fast
Faces passed
And I'm home bound..."
Pretty Baby
"you light me up and then I fall for you
you lay me down and then I call for you
stumbling on reasons that are far and few
I'd let it all come down and then some for you..."
"she'd do anything to sparkle in his eye
she would suffer, she would fight, and compromise
she's been wishin' on the stars that shine so bright
for answers to the questions that will haunt her tonight..."
"my heart, your hands, gentle my friend
break me neatly, numb me sweetly
say you would, say you could
say you'd come and stop the rain..."
"once upon a year gone by
she saw herself give in
every time she closed her eyes
she saw what could have been..."
"willing and able to run
I am
willing and able I'm able to come
and if I want for you now..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Be Not Nobody" album, click "
Carlton Vanessa Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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