Carnal Forge - Exploding Veins Lyrics

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Artist: Carnal Forge
Carnal Forge Author
Album: Aren't You Dead Yet? (2004)
Carnal Forge - Aren
Song Title: Exploding Veins
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 796
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Peel the skin right off my bones

Take me to the other side where I belong

Burn me alive, I do not care

I will stand for my beliefs to the grave

I trust no one, never had no regrets

The evil burns inside my veins

One more victim on my killing spree

Justifies all the insanity

Enormous amounts of blood to be shed

In the sign of evil I rule

Lay his head on the table and watch me attack

Huge skull-crushing hammer against his head

My guilt all washed away

I hear your screams blowing through my bones

You are awake through the whole torture

Some call it life, some call it hell

Praise the arrival of the apocalypse

Blood pouring down from the sky

Hail the Armageddon

The powers of hell will finally reign

You are standing in line just waiting to die

Soon you'll be forgotten

Mo one will hear your cries of pain

Peel the skin right off my bones

Take me to the other side where I belong

Burn me alive, I do not care

I will stand for my beliefs to the grave

Enormous amounts of blood to be shed

In the sign of evil I rule

Lay his head on the table and watch me attack

Huge skull-crushing hammer against his head

My guilt all washed away

I hear your screams blowing through my bones

You are awake through the whole torture

Some call it life, some call it hell.

Your eyes are popping out, veins explode

Now watch all your fears as they're becoming your reality

Praise the arrival of the apocalypse

Blood pouring down from the sky

Hail the Armageddon

The powers of hell will finally reign

You are standing in line just waiting to die

Soon you'll be forgotten

No one will hear your cries of pain

Murders in the past seem like nothing

in comparison to this slaughter of the world

You are all sinners, you are lying to your selves,

acting like fucking rulers of the earth

My guilt all washed away

I hear your screams blowing through my bones

You are awake through the whole torture

Some call it life, some call it hell.

Your eyes are popping out, veins explode

Now watch all your fears as they're becoming your reality

Praise the arrival of the apocalypse

Blood pouring down from the sky

Hail the Armageddon

The powers of hell will finally reign

You are standing in line just waiting to die

Soon you'll be forgotten

No one will hear your cries of pain

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Other Carnal Forge song Lyrics
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    "I compute your mind all the time
    Creature of destruction love butcher alive
    You play it like a fool
    But i got the power..."
  • Sweet Bride
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    I fuck your mind
    I rip your soul to pieces
    And burn your fucking eyes..."
  • Godzilla Is Coming Thru
    "I'm inside the lizard i'm living my hell
    A pragmatic life under your spell
    Gotta have my kicks i can't stop
    I'm ready to detonate..."
  • The Other Side
    "Broken hopes in a world of lies
    It makes me blind as it penetrates my eyes
    No escape from their morbid minds
    Release me from this pain..."
  • Born To Hate
    "I am the pain you feel
    As your soul is ripped to pieces
    I am all that you fear
    Close your eyes and i'll be there..."
  • Evilizer
    "We torture our selves, we pay we die, life is just another raw deal
    Institution, searching for that angelfuck, just to find out it was all a lie
    We were brought to this world just to destroy it, created to extinct each
    Other, the human race breeding hate , enjoying pain we are all fed by lies..."
  • Maggotman
    "I am, got an evil mind with evil intensions
    Don't give me your one-track bullshit, simple minded ignorant fuck, this
    Rotten stench fills the air, i am your loving darling i'm your maggotman,
    This rotten stench feeds you, honey i'm your maggotman..."
  • H.B.F. Suicide
    "Let the final genocide begin evil against evil
    nobody wins a higher conciousness does it exist?
    business made out of human flesh talking about your
    revolution not acting at all, not caring at all..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Aren't You Dead Yet?" album, click "Carnal Forge Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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