Carnes Kim - Dont Pick Up The Phone Pick Up The Phone Lyrics

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Artist: Carnes Kim
Song Title: Dont Pick Up The Phone Pick Up The Phone
Visits: 711
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(Kim Carnes/Bill Cuomo)

I have got this friend
She's looking all over town
And she just can't imagine why
She can't find anyone
And when she finds a good boy
She pulls the rope too tight
And then she sends them all out
Screaming in the night

Don't pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Don't pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Don't let 'em know
That you're home alone
Don't pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Don't pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Don't let 'em know
That you're all alone

I have got this friend
She travels 'round the sun
She's just looking for the magic
She's just trying to sind someone
And when she finds a good boy
She pulls the rope too tight
And then she sends them all out
Screaming in the night

Don't pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Don't pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Don't let 'em know
That you're home alone
Don't pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Don't pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Don't let 'em know
That you're all alone

I have got this friend
She's looking all over town
And she just can't imagine why
She can't find anyone

Don't pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Don't pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Don't let 'em know
That you're home alone
Don't pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Don't pick up the phone
Pick up the phone
Don't let 'em know
That you're all alone
Don't pick it up just because you're all alone

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Other Carnes Kim song Lyrics
  • A Kick In The Heart
    "The kiss is all, words mean nothing
    Why don't we throw them away
    Take my keys, love is waiting
    Idling in the driveway..."
  • Abadabadango
    "Abadabadango can you hear
    It's the rhythm of the heart
    That beats for a million years
    We all have to use some kind of magic..."
  • All He Did Was Tell Me Lies
    "The king of hearts has won the final inning
    He's made his move and played his hand so well
    Everyone thinks he's got it made
    'Cause no one can tie him down..."
  • Along With The Radio
    "I was drivin' my car tonight
    And I was feelin' down
    The i thought about you
    Like I always do..."
  • And Still Be Loving You
    "You're the poets finest song
    And like a painter you can move me with your sunrise
    Touch me with the look I see in your eyes
    And I fall again..."
  • Bad Seed
    "When does a lover ever learn to say goodbye
    When does a lover finally stop giving it one more try
    If holding you for a night or two
    Is all I'm ever gonna see of you..."
  • Begging For Favors
    "You can ride in the front
    Ride in the back
    Or someplace in between
    You can say what you mean..."
  • Bette Davis Eyes
    "Her hair is Harlowe gold
    Her lips sweet surprise
    Her hands are never cold
    She's got Bette Davis eyes..."

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