Carnivore - Ground Zero Brooklin Lyrics

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Artist: Carnivore
Carnivore Author
Song Title: Ground Zero Brooklin
Visits: 724
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Home watching star trek
Everything's O.K.
Little do I know
Soviet missiles are on the way
The bastards set loose
The war Gods tyr and lok
Weatherman's predicting rain
But fire it'll be
Minutemen launching, air sirens
Warheads detonating cremating haunting
I'm living at - Ground Zero
I'm burning at
I'm frying at
From my bed I hear the sirens
Screaming of foreboding
Populus escapine highways over loading
Bridge is down tunnel's flooded
Only got six minutes
Head between my legs, I kiss my ball goodbye
They're finished
Mx's blasting, skyscrapers crashing
Fall out liberated, we're wasted
Jesus I beg of thee
Don't take my life
Return me to the womb
From which I was torn
Birth is a sin
And the punishment is death
I wish you had left me unborn
I shit my ponts as I wait for the reaper
Lie in fatal position
Tears stream down my cheeks
As I call for my mother
And say an act of contrition
We'll fight this war with Germs and atoms
Destroy our only home
Our mutated descendants battle the next
With sticks and stones
Are we not savages
Innately destined to mam and pigs?
Blame it on the environment
Heredity or evolution we're still respondible
Our intelligence any progress
At geometric rates
Yes socially we remain belligerent neonates

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    'till he explored it's many uses..."
  • Manic Depression
    "Manic depression is touchin' my soul
    I know what I want but I just don't know how to heh!
    Go about gettin' it
    Feelin' sweet feelin' Drops fom my fingers..."

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