Carnivore - Predator Lyrics

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Artist: Carnivore
Carnivore Author
Album: Carnivore (2000)
Carnivore - Carnivore Album
Song Title: Predator
Genre: Metal
Visits: 859
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They live beneath the ruined city call the subways home
anxiously wait to see the sun and a land as of yet unknown
gone below to escape the death of the nuclear winter
ice and darkness due penance for the sinners
six generations 200 years later their ancestors crawl from their holes
hungry and frightened and barely surviving they're tired of living like
up on the surface a fate worse than dying meeting the end of the food chain
teeth yielding pain

I sense that living human beings dwell below my feet
an important source of protein, you are what you eat
post Armageddon, neo-barbaric, the nuclear warriors due battle
to satiate our hunger we breed human beings as cattle
hunting in packs ready for the attack we eat our prey raw-rabid animals
frothing and ripping the carcass we're stripping our own yes we're
eat or eaten beat or beaten I am on my life rest assure a predator

broken splintered bones, boiling blood
torn and bleeding skin
blackened burning flesh melting fat
amputated limbs
eviscerated, lungs torn out
heart ripped from the chest
decapitated, a meal of
vagina and breasts
Eyes plucked from sockets, gaping holes
through which picking brains
phlebophilia love of blood
life spills from the veins
I detect the scent of prey by
her menstruation
you have been chosen the main course

-Bon Appetite

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  • Manic Depression
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    I know what I want but I just don't know how to heh!
    Go about gettin' it
    Feelin' sweet feelin' Drops fom my fingers..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Carnivore" album, click "Carnivore Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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