C&C Music Factory - Things That Make You Go Hmmm Lyrics

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Artist: C&C Music Factory
Song Title: Things That Make You Go Hmmm
Visits: 967
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I was at the crib, sittin' by the fireplace
Drinkin' cocoa on the bear skin rug
The door bell rang. Who could it be?
Thought to myself then started to shrug
Got to the door. Ding Dong. Who is it?
My girl's best friend had payed me a visit.
Sly as can be, tight dress and all
She knew that I was faithful. I really didn't have the gall.
I tried to chilll. She made the move.
Now I know my girlfriend wouldn't approve.
I didn't realize my girl was settin' me up
Yo, my girl didn't trust me. No!
Yeah, but she lost control I wouln't take the bait.
I said chill baby baby chill baby baby wait
My girl bust in, Caught us creating a boom
She said "Girlfriend"?

Things that make you go hmm
Things that make you go hmm
Things that make you go hmm
Things that make you go hmm, hmm, hmm
Things that make you go hmm

Here's how it started
Just an example of how another brother can trample
Ruin your life, sleep with your wife
Watch your behind
There was a friend of mine named Jay
Would come over late at night and say hey
I watched the fight. I thought is was alright.
'Cause me and Jay were really really tight
So damned close we had the same blood type.
Months went by and my wife got big
We were havin' a child and I got another gig
So I let Jay move into the crib and chill
He had his own room and helped pay the bills
The time had come (for the baby down to the scene)
It looked like Jay and I couldn't believe
Before my eyes in the delivery room.

The things that make you go hmm
Things that make you go hmm
The things that make you go hmm, hmm, hmm
The things that make you go hmm
Things that make you go hmm
The things that make you go hmm.

Robbie Rob - break it down!

Give it to me Give it to me Give it to me Give it to me (x7)
Give it to me Give it to me

Seventeen and I was havin' a ball
Eleventh grade and "Joe" I knew it all
I fell in love for the very first time
With this girl she really blew my mind
Inner sense and whole lotta class
Style that could give you whiplash
We said hello and my heart be stopped
She was the world and I was on top
Time went by, She filled my universe
We made love, She said I was the first
My boy kept tellin' me. Yo, I don't know
I think your girl's been playing tic tac toe
I'll ask my girl I know she only loves me
Wasn't I the one who tool your viginity?
The look on her face read sorrow and gloom
She said "Yeah, Why do you guys always ask that?"

Things that make you go hmm
Things that make you go hmm
It's the things that make you go hmm

(Repeat Chorus)

Hey ladies
Have you ever had a man
Go away for business, come back with a tan
Comes home late at night from work
You cooked him dinner now you feel like a jerk
Sayin' he didn't have time to eat
And he's not even hungry, he wants to be treat
To the bedroom he said his head hurts
You're only makin' love in radical spurts
Mysterious calls and the phone goes click
You say to yourself "I'm gonna hit him with a brick"
Ain't no way he could be cheatin' on me
I wonder who bought him those BVD's
Dressed to a T to hang with the fellas
Over the guys and I'm getting jealous
Comin' home late smellin' like perfume (fume)

(Repeat Chorus x7)

Things that make you go hmm

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