Chalee Tennison - Just Because She Lives There Lyrics

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Artist: Chalee Tennison
Song Title: Just Because She Lives There
Visits: 719
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(dale dodson/billy lawson)

She wakes the kids up for school, the bacon is on the stove
He yells from their bedroom, honey, where'd you put my clothes
The school bus runs right on time
He forgets to kiss her good-bye, walks out talking on his phone
She cleans up the mess they made, goes upstairs and puts her makeup on

Just because she lives there don't mean she loves there anymore
If she turns to another, she knows she'll have to answer to the lord
She wonders where the romance went
Why the man she fell in love with finds her so easy to ignore
Just because she lives there don't mean she loves there anymore

She's there when they get home, the day flew by so fast
She asked about his day, he interrupts, i need to cut the grass
And she's a-wishing as she does the dinner dishes
He'll notice her new dress she's got on
But he's still watching tv, she takes her bath and goes to bed alone

Just because she lives there don't mean she loves there anymore
If she turns to another, she knows she'll have to answer to the lord
She wonders where the romance went
Why the man she fell in love with finds her so easy to ignore
Just because she lives there don't mean she loves there anymore

She wonders where the romance went
Why the man she fell in love with finds her so easy to ignore
Just because she lives there don't mean she loves there anymore
Just because she lives there don't mean she loves there anymore

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    I might kick up my heels all night
    I may take a notion to flirt
    Or say a word I wouldn't say in church..."
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    I am listening, when you speak to me
    I can ease your pain
    Make you stand out in the rain..."
  • I Can Feel You Drifting
    "You took me out so far that i can't swim to shore
    I've been holding on but you're not anymore
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