Chalee Tennison - Parading In The Rain Lyrics

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Artist: Chalee Tennison
Song Title: Parading In The Rain
Visits: 705
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(Kris BergsnesBobby Pinson)

I feel the raindrops drummin'
As I march against the wind
I knew the storm was comin'
But I'm not throwin' my towel in
It's not rainin' on my parade

My tired heart's still beatin'
No it's not given up
Right pain is pourin'
But I'm headed for the sun
It's not rainin' on my parade

My hope is my umbrella
My will's a silver rainbow's clouds
My future is my shelter
When the thunder's crashin' loud
The wind I'll weather the water I'll wade
It's not rainin' on my parade
I'm parading in the rain

My heart is all but breakin'
But I'm not dwellin' on the past
Inside I'm celebrating
All the great times that we had
And it's not rainin' on my parade,yeah

I know the right one's out there
Who's got a heart that's true
I know to keep on marchin'
Till love comes shinin' through
It's not rainin' (It's not rainin')
On my parade

My hope is my umberella
My will's a silver rainbow's clouds
My future is my shelter
When the thunder's crashin' loud
The wind I'll weather the water I'll wade
It's not rainin' on my parade
I'm parading in the rain

My hope (My hope) is my umbrella
My will's (My will) a silver rainbow's clouds
My future is my shelter (My shelter)
When the thunder's crashin' loud
The wind I'll weather the water I'll wade
It's not rainin' on the parade
I'm parading in the rain

I'm parading in the rain

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    I might kick up my heels all night
    I may take a notion to flirt
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    I am listening, when you speak to me
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  • I Can Feel You Drifting
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