Chesnutt Vic - Old Hotel Lyrics

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Artist: Chesnutt Vic
Song Title: Old Hotel
Visits: 709
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(Vic Chesnutt)
I can see my old hotel
down amongst the smells
I'm up above that ancient city river
it's filtered by my lousy liver
it's filtered by my wilted lily liver
I can see my old hotel
it ain't even a hotel
5am there came some sleet or hail
it was signal taps on the brave window
solemn taps on the wavy window
I can see my old holtel
hear those old touristy bells
soon I'll be down the hill shopping
giddy like a tipsy Mary Poppins
giddy like a tipsy Mary Poppins
I can see my old hotel
it ain't even a hotel
I'm scheduled to ride the rails
if I wished to stay on this tower
things would derange given just another hour ...

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    her brain is wet like a throw net
    Betty Lonely, she will always think in Spanishthough I know her Spanish black hairit will start to fadeshe sunk her past out in the surrounding salt flatsher maidenhood was lost beneath the Spanish moss..."
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    subtle as a billboard oh so refinedsmoking through my chimneyburning up this life of mind
    free of hope, free of the pastthank you God of nothingI'm free at last..."

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