CHRIS REA - I Can Hear Your Heartbeat Lyrics

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Album: New Light Through Old Windows (1988)
CHRIS REA - New Light Through Old Windows Album
Song Title: I Can Hear Your Heartbeat
Genre: Rock
Visits: 873
Print Version

In the silence of the side street
In the whisper of the night
From the darkness of the empty hours
To the early morning light
From the hustle down on main street
With all it's lights so bright
To the trucker on the highway
Pressing through the night

I can hear you heartbeat
I can hear you heartbeat
Girl, the sound of you is so sweet

I'm in a European disco
And it's thumping up the beat
There's a jukebox in a cafe
Where the younger ones can meet
We got freezing Coca-Cola
We got anything you want
I'm moving on that back beat
Girl, but it's you that sings the song

'Cos I can hear you heartbeat
I can hear you heartbeat
The sound of you is so sweet

And I'm sailing on your wind song
Oh, I can feel the summer breeze
You've got me walking on my tiptoes
You've got me standing on my knees
From the mills way down in Pittsburgh
To the clubs of gay Paris
No matter where I roam, girl,
You can always get to me

And I still hear your heartbeat
Yea I still hear your heartbeat
Girl, the sound of you is so sweet,
to me

And I still hear your heartbeat
Yea I still hear your heartbeat
Girl, the sound of you is so sweet,
to me

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    How long can you take it
    How far can you go..."
  • Seabird
    "Set my sails out on a sunny day
    Pretty soon I was on my way
    Though what for sure it was
    I could not say..."
  • Sweet Kiss
    "I lie awake, late at night
    I just don't seem to sleep at all
    Got so high, don't I know why
    Said man I got that Moon-dog call..."
  • Dancing Girls
    "It's all become a fantasy
    She sits and reads about Tiffany's
    I moan all day about the state of the world
    And the sun beats down..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "New Light Through Old Windows" album, click "CHRIS REA Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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