CHRIS REA - Steel River Lyrics

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Album: Shamrock Diaries (1985)
CHRIS REA - Shamrock Diaries Album
Song Title: Steel River
Genre: Rock
Visits: 879
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I was born and raised on steel river
I see it all like it was yesterday
The ships and bridges they were all delivered
From Sydney harbour to the Cisco bay
And I met my love down on steel river
We served our dreams and spent our childhood days
In rainy streets we'd kiss away the shivers
And hide from fear inside the latest craze
Dancing to Motown
Making love with Carole King record playing
And oh how I loved you
Say goodbye steel river

Ten thousand bombers hit the steel river
And many died to keep her running free
And she survived but now she's gone forever
Her burning heart is just a memory
And I ran away from life on steel river
Luck or not I gladly took the break
The odds were low the chances nearly zero
A chance it was I had to take
Say goodbye steel river

They say that salmon swim in steel river
They say it's good to see them back again
I know it hurts to see what really happened
I know one salmon ain't no good to them
They were born and raised to serve their steel mother
It was they taught and all they ever knew
And they believed that she would keep their children
Even though not a single word was true
Say goodbye steel river

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  • Deltics
    "All change on the merry go line
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    Nobody knows where it's coming from..."
  • Diamonds
    "Oh getaway and don't come back
    Who do you think you're fooling with lies like that?
    You have dreams that set the rain on fire
    Burning with a cheap desire..."
  • She Gave It Away
    "Oh you've been so long
    In the shadows of the big man
    How long can you take it
    How far can you go..."
  • Seabird
    "Set my sails out on a sunny day
    Pretty soon I was on my way
    Though what for sure it was
    I could not say..."
  • Sweet Kiss
    "I lie awake, late at night
    I just don't seem to sleep at all
    Got so high, don't I know why
    Said man I got that Moon-dog call..."
  • Dancing Girls
    "It's all become a fantasy
    She sits and reads about Tiffany's
    I moan all day about the state of the world
    And the sun beats down..."
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