Chuck Berry - My Ding-A-Ling Lyrics

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Artist: Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry Author
Album: After School Session (1957)
Chuck Berry - After School Session Album
Song Title: My Ding-A-Ling
Genre: Rock
Visits: 1817
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When i was a little bitty boy
My grandmother bought me a cute little toy
Silver bells hangin on a string
she told it was my ding a ling a ling

my ding a ling , my ding a ling...
wont you play with my ding a ling

my ding a ling , my ding a ling...
wont you play with my ding a ling

and then mama to grammar school
but i stopped in the best of you
every time that bell would ring
catch me playing with my ding a ling a ling

my ding a ling , my ding a ling...
wont you play with my ding a ling

my ding a ling , my ding a ling...
wont you play with my ding a ling

once i was climping the garden wall
i slipped and had a terrible fall
i fell so hard i heard bells ring
but held on to my ding a ling a ling

my ding a ling , my ding a ling...
wont you play with my ding a ling

my ding a ling , my ding a ling...
wont you play with my ding a ling

once i was swiming though turtle creek
man little snappers all around my feet
sure was hard swimming across that thing
with both hands holding my ding a ling a ling

my ding a ling , my ding a ling...
wont you play with my ding a ling

my ding a ling , my ding a ling...
wont you play with my ding a ling

this here song it aint so sad
the cutes little song you ever had
those of you who will not sing
you must be playing with your own ding a ling

my ding a ling , my ding a ling...
wont you play with my ding a ling

my ding a ling , my ding a ling...
wont you play with my ding a ling

my ding a ling , my ding a ling...
wont you play with my ding a ling

my ding a ling , my ding a ling...
wont you play with my ding a ling

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "After School Session" album, click "Chuck Berry Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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