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Stop the World Song Lyrics
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Oh, stop the world and let me off!
I'm tired of goin round and round.
I played the game of love and lost,
So stop the world and let me off!
My heart is shattered, can't you see?
For you no longer care for me.
But someday, I'm sure you'll see:
Loving you did this to me!
My dream-world tumbled to the ground,
The one I love has let me down,
I lost the wonder of his kiss ~
How could he leave me here like this?
Oh, stop the world and let me off!
I'm tired of goin round and round.
I played the game of love and lost,
So stop the world and let me off!
Stop all this burning up inside,
I know his love for me has died.
I lost the wonder of his kiss ~
How could he leave me here like this?
Oh, stop the world and let me off!
I'm tired of goin round and round.
I played the game of love and lost,
So stop the world and let me off!
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