Cochran Anita - She Wants To Ride Lyrics

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Artist: Cochran Anita
Song Title: She Wants To Ride
Visits: 827
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18 a young girl, graduates from school
She's got the future to do the things she wants to do.
Little did she know, she would let her heart give in
The plans she made for life would change so she could be with him.

A baby's born but she knows, their love is just not right,
The pressure's on, is it right or wrong for her to change her life,
Or should she stay committed and hold her feelings deep inside,
Society has got her down and she wants to run wild.

She wants to ride, a horse cross country
She wants to feel, wind brush against her skin
She needs to find, what she's been missing
She wants to ride, until she finds herself again

She got the courage up to go out on her own
She took the little child and found them a new home
She's working now, but it's so hard down at the factory.
With little pay at the end of the day she can barely make ends meet.

Years went by so quickly, though it seemed like time stood still
Standing by her front door, she could feel the winter's chill.
She looks to the horizon where she sees the setting sun
She feels the urge inside her and it makes her want to run

She wants to ride, a horse cross country
She wants to feel, wind brush against her skin
She needs to find, what she's been missing
She wants to ride, until she finds herself again

Even though she's had a rough life,
she wouldn't trade it for the world
The treasures that she owns lie in her little girl.
And when she feels the old desires,
that her troubles often bring
She can go to bed at night and find them in her dreams...where

She wants to ride, a horse cross country
She wants to feel, wind brush against her skin
She needs to find, what she's been missing
She wants to ride, until she finds herself again

Oh oh, she wants to ride
Oh she wants to ride, she wants to ride,
she wants to ride, she wants to ride
She wants to ride until she finds herself again.

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  • Every Time It Rains
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  • For Crying Out Loud
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  • Girls Like Fast Cars
    "It started at an early age, I guess around 13,
    I'd hear those engines on the street and my how they would scream.
    They'd pull into the driveway and I would run and hide,
    I'd overhear my brothers friends, they'd talk about their rides...."
  • God Created Woman
    "It was a man's world for a day and a half
    Adam had a garden for a bachelor pad
    But something was missing in his paradise
    Then along came eve, the apple of his eye..."
  • Good Times
    "Get the keys to the car, fill it up with gas
    Go down to the bank and pull out a little cash
    Forget about the yard, forget about the trash
    Let's get a little sun..."
  • I Could Love A Man Like That
    "Staring out my window, who is that I see
    He sure does look familiar, and he's wearing boots and jeans
    Can't tell you were I saw him, was it on a late night screen
    A cowboy in this city's something I ain't never seen..."

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