Cochran Tammy - If You Can Lyrics

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Artist: Cochran Tammy
Song Title: If You Can
Visits: 784
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Are you awake; are you asleep?
Its hard to tell with your back to me
Turn around and face me, if you can.
Are you afraid what I might see
If you should look at me.
Now, tell me about her, if you can

If you can look me in the eye and say were over
If you can kiss my lips and feel no fire inside
If you can hold me body close and still say you love her most
Then you can walk out of my life, if you can.

Everyone makes mistakes; tell me shes the one you made
And Ill forgive, and Ill forget, if you can.
Who was right and who was wrong
Doesnt matter if the love is gone.
Honey, Ill keep holding on, if you can.

If you can look me in the eye and say were over
If you can kiss my lips and feel no fire inside
If you can hold me body close and still say you love her most
Then you can walk out of my life, if you can.
You can walk out of my life, if you can.

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  • So What
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