Cole Paula - Dear Gertrude Lyrics

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Artist: Cole Paula
Cole Paula Author
Album: Harbinger (1994)
Cole Paula - Harbinger Album
Song Title: Dear Gertrude
Genre: Rock
Visits: 799
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Tell me how the story will unfold,
I know you see everything.
Tell me all about the torch and scroll,
I know you know everything.

So why do you come to me?
Why when I'm sleeping?
Why am I the only one who knows you're there?
Why, why?

My dear, my dear Gertrude,
My dear, lonely soul,
My dear, my dear Gertrude,
My dear, my dear, my dear.

Tell me all about your history,
Tell me all about your pains.
Try to contact all your lost loved ones,
Try to speak to them through me.

So why do you come to me?
Why when I'm sleeping?
Why am I the only one
who knows you're there?
Why, why?


You're so lonely in my body,
I can sympathize your pain.
But the secret is too much
for me to hold,
No, no one will believe

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Harbinger" album, click "Cole Paula Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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