Collin Raye - It Could Happen Again Lyrics

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Artist: Collin Raye
Song Title: It Could Happen Again
Visits: 842
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(narration: one frozen night in 1914, at the height of world war i, the
Unthinkable happened: all along the entire western front, the british and
German soldiers lay down their weapons, an unofficial cease fire, to
Celebrate christmas eve together. they exchanged gifts, and saw each other
As brothers, and that peace lasted for two more days, when they were ordered
Back to battle. in those few days, though, men remembered the reason for
Christmas amongst the devastation, and it's a story that should never be

Through the smoke filled night silence rose from both sides
Across a bloody battlefield
It was a cold christmas eve in 1914
To those who were there, it seemed unreal
As time was still the spirit moved the soldiers
To lay down their arms and raise their voice in song
And pretend for a while the war was over

If it could happened then, it could happen again
A world torn apart could join hands and hearts
To celebrate his birth and peace on this earth
If for one magic night we could find again a reason not to fight
Maybe there's a chance; this time it might last.

As opposing sides approached through broken words they spoke
It wasn't long before they felt at ease
They shared their cigarettes, what they had they used as gifts
They didn't feel like enemies
With candles lit they stood shoulder to shoulder
And on that field they found true common ground
And as they prayed they dreamed the war was over

If it could happened then, it could happen again
A world torn apart could join hands and hearts
To celebrate his birth and peace on this earth
If for one magic night we could find again a reason not to fight
Maybe there's a chance; this time it might last.

If it could happened then, it could happen again.

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