Connor Sarah - Magic Ride (Whatever U Wish 4) Lyrics
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Connor Sarah Singer Lyrics
Magic Ride (Whatever U Wish 4) Song Lyrics
Connor Sarah
Song Title:
Magic Ride (Whatever U Wish 4)
Print Version
Come on let me take you on a magic ride
Boy I wanna show you better ways to fly
Whatever you wish for
I'll do it for you
All the other girls are a waste of time
Whatever they may have ain't as good as mine
Whatever you wish for
I'll do it for you
[Verse 1:]
I can light a fuse in you
Make you finally see all the things you need
If you wanna know the truth then you must believe
It's hidden here in me
When you finally cross the line
I know that you'll be mine
Boy you make our dreams come true
You know you only have to let go
That I can begin to show
What I've got for you
Come on
[Verse 2:]
I can see it in your eyes
You've got the spark I need t o set my spirit free
And we don't even have to try time is on our side
And we can be complete
When you finally cross the line
I know that you'll be mine
Boy you make our dreams come true
You know you only have to let go
That I can begin to show
What I've got for you
My boy TQ
[Rap part TQ]
Magic Ride (Whatever U Wish 4) Lyrics
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Other Connor Sarah song Lyrics
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Each and every single day
People wanna tell me what to do
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Let's shake it
Let us come 2gether
'cause you're the one that I want..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Green Eyed Soul" album, click "
Connor Sarah Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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