Cooke Sam - Everybody Loves to Cha Cha Cha Lyrics
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Cooke Sam Singer Lyrics
Everybody Loves to Cha Cha Cha Song Lyrics
Cooke Sam
The Man and His Music (2000)
Song Title:
Everybody Loves to Cha Cha Cha
R&B: Soul
Print Version
Everybody loves to cha cha cha
Little children like to cha cha cha
They like to cha cha cha, they like to cha cha cha
Everybody likes to cha cha cha
Took my baby to the hop last night and what to my surprise
When we got there she hit me with the news
Right between the eyes, yeah
She said she couldn't do the cha cha cha
She said she couldn't do the cha cha cha
She couldn't cha cha cha, no, she couldn't cha cha cha
My baby couldn't do the cha cha cha
I told her not to worry
They'd play some other dance
But we sat there for an hour and a half
And we never got a chance
Every song they played was the cha cha cha
Every song they played was the cha cha cha
"Tom Dooley", cha cha cha, "Tea For Two", cha cha cha
Every number was the cha cha cha
I told her not to worry there's only one thing we can do
Baby, if you let me take you by the hand
I'm gonna teach this dance to you
Then, I told her one two, cha cha cha
One two, cha cha cha
And up now, baby and back now
That's right, turn now, alright let's cross now
I taught my baby how to cha cha cha
We kept on dancing
And was I surprised, for you see
After we practiced it for a little while
She was doing it better than me
Now my baby loves to do the cha cha cha
She loves to do the cha cha cha
She likes her, she likes to cha cha cha
Everybody likes to cha cha cha
They do it
One two, cha cha cha, alright
One two, cha cha cha
And up now, alright back now
Alright baby let's cross now and turn now
Everybody Loves to Cha Cha Cha Lyrics
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if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Man and His Music" album, click "
Cooke Sam Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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