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It Rained All Night Song Lyrics
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I'm glad it rained all night 'Couse you would've been gone I'm glad it rained all night, all night, all night 'Couse you would've been gone I've been looking for love my whole life long Searching for something to make me feel strong I might be your lover, then I might be wrong Yeah! I lost it all that night I felt my world go black Lost my heart, my soul, my mind, my sight Put a knife in my back Let it rain! Nasty dark clouds brewing over head Oh, bring yourself in here I'll give you shelter from the raging storm You'll be so safe, I'm so sincere I felt that pain all night Since you've been gone I know that pain alright, alright, alright Where you were gone I've been searching for love to ease the pain The hunger and the knife that's in this chain Thank the thunder and the lightnin' for making it rain I'm glad it rained all night 'Couse you would've been gone I'm glad it rained all night, night, night, night, night, night 'Couse you would've been gone You know I would've been gone A thousand miles away And I would've just left thru another day You know you stop my heart, you make me shake Don't you know that your an angle and my soul is at stake I'm glad it rained all night, all night, all night Or you would've been gone You would've been real gone You would've been on your way You would've hit the night going 95 and I never gonna see you again Oh, let it rain! Oh, let it rain! Come on, let it rain! Lightning and thunder, great big storm Come on babe, let me keep you warm
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