Cooper Alice - Never Been Sold Before Lyrics

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Artist: Cooper Alice
Cooper Alice Author
Album: Muscle Of Love (1973)
Cooper Alice - Muscle Of Love Album
Song Title: Never Been Sold Before
Genre: Rock: Hard-Rock
Visits: 638
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You ask me, babe, "Can you work tonight?"
I've been up, babe, since broad daylight

I just can't believe that you're selling me,
You never sold me before
I just can't become your lousy who-o-ore

Yeah, I'm stacked nice, they really like my style
Fifty bucks, babe, ha, can't even buy my smile

I just can't believe that you're selling me,
You never sold me before
I just can't become your lousy who-o-ore

I-I-I-I find I come around just to lay this money on you, babe
I'm sick of streets, chicks and dicks, and I'm,
I'm really sick of you

Oh-oh, I've never been sold before
And I'll never be had again
Oh-oh, I've never been sold before
And I'll never be had a-gain

I just can't believe that you're selling me,
You never sold me befo-ore
I just can't become your little whore

No, no, no, no

Oh, I've never been sold before
And I'll never be had again
Oh-oh, I've never been sold before
And I'll never be had a-gain

Oh, I've never been sold before
And I'll never be had again
Oh-oh, I've never been sold before
And I'll never be had a-gain

Oh, I've never been sold before
And I'll never be had again
Oh-oh, I've never been sold before
And I'll never be had a-gain

Oh, I've never been sold before
And I'll never be had again
Oh-oh, I've never been sold before
And I'll never be had a-gain

Oh, I've never been sold before
And I'll never be had again
Oh-oh, I've never been sold before
And I'll never be had a-gain

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Muscle Of Love" album, click "Cooper Alice Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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