Corpse Cannibal - Hatchet To The Head Lyrics
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Corpse Cannibal Singer Lyrics
Hatchet To The Head Song Lyrics
Corpse Cannibal
Song Title:
Hatchet To The Head
Print Version
Skull fragments are flying through the air
Brains and blood scattered just about everywhere you look
Swing of the hatchet gives permanent damage,
Head fractured, gaping hole
To incise the cranium
Slit open crushed eyeballs dripping hanging from the sockets
Steel cracked bone with fatal trauma to the cerebellum
Useful lust of gore
Hatchet to the head
Rekindled gore obsess rend the weak
Mutilate then murder consciously
Death brought to the enemies of the past
A life of beheading I must have
Pure revenge is burning inside me
Slit open crushed eyeballs dripping hanging from the sockets
Steel cracked bone with fatal trauma to the cerebellum
Useful lust of gore
Hatchet to the head
Hatchet to the head
Hatchet to the head
Hatchet to the head
Hatchet to the head
Forced from deep inside to hunt you
Bludgeoned torn apart veins erupted
Forever headless rotting corpse
Recognition you are now beyond
Wretched, onslaught, slaughter
Faceless flesh remains from the victims
Hacked with brutal force until slain
Consumed with anger, lunacy
Relentless killing dependency
[Solo: Pat]
Slit open crushed eyeballs dripping hanging from the sockets
Steel cracked bone with fatal trauma to the cerebellum
Useful lust of gore
Hatchet to the head
Hatchet to the head
Hatchet to the head
Hatchet to the head
Hatchet to the head
Chop it off!
Hatchet To The Head Lyrics
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Other Corpse Cannibal song Lyrics
Hammer Smashed Face
"There's something inside me
It's, it's coming out
I feel like killing you
Let loose the anger, held back too long..."
The Exorcist
"Prossessed by evil hell
Satan's wrath will kill
He will take your soul
Cast you to hell..."
Meat Hook Sodomy
"Butchery my meat hooks sharpened to penetrate
Emasculate, gouging crotches I will eat
Hung upside down, holes punctured through half chewed
Gristle, debauchery with dead bodies, turning green..."
Shredded Humans
"Early hours, open road,
Family of five - on their way home
Having enjoyed a day in the sun,
Their encounter with gore has just begun..."
Staring Through The Eyes Of The Dead
"Why can't I breathe
Still I see
Dead on the table
Try to move, I'm not able to..."
Fucked With A Knife
"No escape from your fate
Destined to be mine
Every night I wait to see
In the night, watching..."
Stripped, Raped and Strangled
"They think they know who I am
All they know is I love to kill
Face down, dead on the ground
Find me before another is found..."
"Temptation to kill again
The sensation comes over me
An addiction to murdering
I can't stop killing..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Gore Obsessed" album, click "
Corpse Cannibal Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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