Corpse Cannibal - Mangled Lyrics

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Artist: Corpse Cannibal
Corpse Cannibal Author
Album: Deadly Tracks - The Best Of Cannibal Corpse (0)
Corpse Cannibal - Deadly Tracks - The Best Of Cannibal Corpse Album
Song Title: Mangled
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 795
Print Version

Demolition of bodies, smashed and broken,
Piles of guts, moist and steaming
Tendons severing, brains are boiling,
Unburied corpses in state of decay
Rotten limbs start to ferment,
Torso's torn in two
Skin ripped off to expose muscle tissue,
Butchered for human stew

Crawl into the cadaver head first,
Eat your way through the guts
The pungent smell of decaying innards
Is enough to drive you nuts
The spleen of the carcass is oozing from your mouth
As you chew on the piss filled kidney's
Suck through intestines
Leaving nothing but bones

Violently cutting, seriously hacking,
Sounds of death fill the air
Bones sticking out, ripped from sockets,
Blood spurting everywhere
Victim lying dead, neck but no head,
Smearing remains on your own face
Violently cutting, seriously hacking,
Sounds of death fill the air

Blistering flesh, another death,
Stiffened bones, morbid groans
Evil minds, brains oozing slime,
Feel the pain

Body weak brain contorting,
Fluid flowing from your organs
Veins torn out, Mangled

Festering flesh, quivering cadaver,
Ligaments stretched around your own neck
Drink the puss, Mangled

Severed dick, bloody bowels,
The gutted corpse now lies hollow
Feeding on feces, Mangled

Amputated arms, crushong legs,
Head is ripped right off your shoulders
Thrown in a pile, Mangled

Limbs rearranged, head on backwards
A humongous heep of twisted flesh
Sewn together, Mangled - Mangled

His knife plunges in, your cold battered body
Blood seeping through, the jagged wounds he cuts
Unbearable pain, give into death
Your life slips away, perish in blood

His knife plunges in, your cold battered body
Blood seeping through, the jagged wounds he cuts
Unbearable pain, give into death
Your life slips away, perish in blood

Menacing madman mutilating
Destroying disfiguring, dead you'll be
Crushing cracking killing you
Annihilation, desecration

Born through modern day science
Man has made his last mistake
A creature so hideously horrible
Leaving nothing to waste

Evil has a new face,
A mangled horrible face
His views are those of death,
Nothing will stop his lust

Slicing victims left to decay,
Listening to their mortal cries
Unhuman, immortal, beastial,
Now he owns your soul

Slicing victims left to decay,
Listening to their mortal cries
Unhuman, immortal, beastial,
Now he owns your soul

Crawl into the cadaver head first,
Eat your way through the guts
The pungent smell of decaying innards
Is enough to drive you nuts
The spleen of the carcass is oozing from your mouth
As you chew on the piss filled kidney's
Suck the vomit through intestines
Leaving nothing but bones

Human converted to beast,
The perfect killing machine
Psychotic structure of brain tissue,
Murder his only memory
Dependant on death, crushing your head,
I'm addicted to blood, chew the decay

The weakened man must die,
Tearing out his insides
Smashing all the bones,
Hear his tormenting groans

Mangled Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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    In the night, watching..."
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    All they know is I love to kill
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    Find me before another is found..."
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    The sensation comes over me
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    I can't stop killing..."
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