Corpse Cannibal - Pit Of Zombies Lyrics
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Pit Of Zombies Song Lyrics
Corpse Cannibal
Gore Obsessed (2002)
Song Title:
Pit Of Zombies
Metal: Death, Black
Print Version
Captured by the priest of evil
Deep inside the hive
Hellish dungeon filled with undead
Their rotting claws reaching for my
Legs I hang above the ghouls
I know they want me for their food
Overwhelmed by deadly fear
Hung above the Zombie lair
Hanging by a thread above them
Taken here to die
Rotting hands reaching for me
Their undead eyes see me as a meal
They want to eat alive
Mindless hunger in their eyes
Filthy claws grasp at my feet
Slashing wounds my ankles bleed
Pit of zombies
Chasm teeming with undead
Death is grisly
Lowered slightly now they reach me
I scream in frantic pain
Tearing off my feet with fury
The pain intense below my knees my
Legs have been removed
They suck the blood from the wounds
Voracious zombies rend my thighs
They pull me down, my corpse they
Will divide
Pit of zombies
Chasm teeming with undead
Their jaws await me
A gruesome end the
Pit of zombies
Reanimated to devour
I watch them kill me
They claw at my face
And rip off my scalp
Exposing my skull
Arteries severed
Gushing blood showers them drives
Them mad raging mob
A hideous feast
Puncture my stomach and
Tear out the guts
Devour entrails
Rotting zombies have torn me apart
They gorge on my flesh
This pit
My doom
Engulfed alive
Consumed by death
This pit of zombies
My doom is here
[Solo: Jack]
[Solo: Pat]
Pit of zombies
Chasm teeming with undead
Their jaws await me
A gruesome end the pit of zombies
Reanimated to devour
I watch th
Pit Of Zombies Lyrics
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Other Corpse Cannibal song Lyrics
Hammer Smashed Face
"There's something inside me
It's, it's coming out
I feel like killing you
Let loose the anger, held back too long..."
The Exorcist
"Prossessed by evil hell
Satan's wrath will kill
He will take your soul
Cast you to hell..."
Meat Hook Sodomy
"Butchery my meat hooks sharpened to penetrate
Emasculate, gouging crotches I will eat
Hung upside down, holes punctured through half chewed
Gristle, debauchery with dead bodies, turning green..."
Shredded Humans
"Early hours, open road,
Family of five - on their way home
Having enjoyed a day in the sun,
Their encounter with gore has just begun..."
Staring Through The Eyes Of The Dead
"Why can't I breathe
Still I see
Dead on the table
Try to move, I'm not able to..."
Fucked With A Knife
"No escape from your fate
Destined to be mine
Every night I wait to see
In the night, watching..."
Stripped, Raped and Strangled
"They think they know who I am
All they know is I love to kill
Face down, dead on the ground
Find me before another is found..."
"Temptation to kill again
The sensation comes over me
An addiction to murdering
I can't stop killing..."
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Corpse Cannibal Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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