Creation Malevolent - Sacrificial Annihilation Lyrics

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Artist: Creation Malevolent
Creation Malevolent Author
Album: The Ten Commandments (1991)
Creation Malevolent - The Ten Commandments Album
Song Title: Sacrificial Annihilation
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 751
Print Version

Remnants strewn upon the ground,
drag the carcass withered and brown,
sockets crushed powder remaining
on the black puss, undead are preying.
Pulling at the fragments of existence,
suicide for those who cannot relatiate,
coagulated limbs tiredly twist and
tear at the purpose to mutilate.

Straggling across the charred earthen floor.
All are dead few remain, where is the Lord?
Sky is swollen, crimson display.
Tattered fringe of sanity quickly decays.

Your brain now filled with chemical pollution.
Black lungs cilia limp chlorific solution.
All life is scarred, lethal compulsion.
Victim of addictive source sedative induction.

Scattered remains, existence shattered, chaos ordained.Democracy battered.
Scattered remains, existence shattered, chaos ordained.Democracy battered.

Remnants of withered decay.

Helpless victims extended in the killing crime.
Flesh penetrated, abnormal cells intertwined.
Your life spent, death extended easily.
Homicide accepted pleasingly.

Body deteriorates, rapid decline.
Health is malignant, weakening of the spine.
Skeletal frame erodes in design.
Embroiled in habitat, trapped and confined.

Catastrophic remnants torn down through the ages.
Blood flows free over the faces.
Existence lies tortured morbidly staring.
At what once was theirs that now lies wasted.

Scattered remains, conformity uncontrolled.
Discipline dismantled, serenity shows mold.
Stream of unconsciousness slowly grips your brain.
Mental contortion abscess of pain.

Last light of day smothered now snuffed.
Release of hate conquers what is left of,
Humanity falters, elimination. Widespread fear, demolition.
Cease of breeding, nu

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Other Creation Malevolent song Lyrics
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  • Remnants of Withered Decay
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    sockets crushed powder remaining
    on the black puss, undead are preying...."
  • Multiple Stab Wounds
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    Face slashed beyond recognition, broken pieces fall form the skull.
    Intestinally punctured, bleeding internally...."
  • Impaled Existence
    "Passing of black, looms over the entity,
    Ill omen surrounding all positive thought.
    The words of pain trickling off his tongue,
    To hear him say this world is done...."
  • Thou Shall Kill!
    "Killing spree unleashed, threshold of pain broken free.
    Ignorance of life, to reach with insanity bred to strike.
    Once sacrilege, to take the life of another.
    Now common practice, to kill all others...."
  • Decadence Within
    "Cruor falls upon a disobedient time.
    Holocaust claims the weak and feeble lives.
    Sickness wells, bursting within.
    No escape from the bludgeon, except to give in...."
  • Malevolent Creation
    "Awaken in sweat, my skin chilled and cold.
    May have seen my own death, but can't see what I know.
    Attemp to piece it together, illusions of the mind.
    Dark starts to alter formations of my find...."
  • ...Show All
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