Cyndi Lauper - Dear John Lyrics

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Artist: Cyndi Lauper
Cyndi Lauper Author
Album: A Hat Full Of Stars (1993)
Cyndi Lauper - A Hat Full Of Stars Album
Song Title: Dear John
Visits: 769
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What's wrong ? Why can't you just
be anything you want ? Why not ?
why not ? I tried to tell you then.
You didn't understand. They try and
pigeonhole you. Buddy, they don't
even know you. But hang on my dear,
dear, John. Maybe you're not just like
everyone, so what, so what.
And there's more to live for, than
some abbreviated encore, much more,
much more. You can't define yourself
in terms of someone else. You can't say
what you're thinking ? But I don't know
what you've been drinking. But don't
cry. 'Cause life goes on. Dear John,
you could be anything you want.
Why not ? Why not ?
Why you could even be an astronaut,
dear John, dear John.

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    All through the night
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    Just like you think it should be..."
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  • Whats Going On
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    There's too many of you crying
    Brother, brother, brother
    There's far too many of you dying..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "A Hat Full Of Stars" album, click "Cyndi Lauper Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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