D-12 - American Pyscho Lyrics

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Artist: D-12
D-12 Author
Song Title: American Pyscho
Visits: 916
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I'm the Devil
If ever there was such a thing
The results of much too drugs many
What you're seeing
I'm a mind fuck
completely disgusting
(im what?)
I'm a human mutt
a being I'm a dog
I'm silencing them all
I'm involved in
Forensic science couldn't solve
Giants set of balls
Too big to buy a set of drawers
Might as well unzip my fly and let 'em fall
To the floor
Each thought's completely warped
I'm like a walking...talking...Ouija Board
Speaking in tongues
I've never spoke this speech before
Khem dellelleh
Enemech noomph meekh neesh meekh nohr
Have you ever experienced spirits and lyrics
When you hear 'em you scared
To stare into any mirrors when you near 'em
Well if so
Get ready for some shit yo
This some kinda sick joke?
Mother fucking schizo
So disturbed
you just go
so berserk
You tip toes
fist first
with scissors
To slit throats
of just hoes
It just goes
to shizow
You dizon't
fizuck with
Someone this disturbed
Sipping on syzerup
So lock your doors
Drop to the floor
Get your shotgun drawn
Here comes another Clockwork Orange
Look at Bizarre
Do you really think he's right in his mind?
What the fuck you think's going through it
When he's writing his rhyme?

[Chorus x2]
You bout to
Journey into the mind of a psychopath killer
Blood spiller
Mentality much iller
Than you could ever imagine
In your wildest dreams
You feel his pain in his silent screams

Its friday night, Im at a rave again
picking up transvestites on my harley davidson
(man hop on)
My girl friends a crack head whore
She'll come to your door
Suck your dick on the floor
and take your bottles to the store
(nigga im takin these)
Have you ever seen a bitch beat becuase she wont cheat
run the street and suck another niggas meat
Im sons 16 years old with no where to stay
(dad its me)
I told him he wasn't mine and slammed the door on his face
I aint got no food, my job ive been cheated
My girlfriend had a miscarriage (im sorry I had to eat it)
my dick is burning (it isn't because of disease)
its because im jacking off with gasoline mixed anitfreeze
Im living in waco texas, me and my
fuck david karish, im startin my own world
Its called bizarres cemetary, its scary
eatin the virgins cherry (im gonna laugh at your carrey)

[Chorus x2]
You bout to
Journey into the mind of a psychopath killer
Blood spiller
Mentality much iller
Than you could ever imagine
In your wildest dreams
You feel his pain in his silent screams

[Kon Artis]
I was born feet first, smoke 40's and drink weed
The lord rehearsed my birth, im the worst breed
a nigga you never set sight on
my right arms
got more power then fiva ivon dragin a python
(journey into the mind of pyschopath killa)
light your ass like a liquid nitro gas spilla
pyscho slash micheal myers, micheal jack's thrilla
riffle slash knife fagott dash cop killa
As a youngin I was beat while i was livin
Got Crossed dressed just to get thrown into the womens' prison
I guess i was just stressed to be a hoodlum
Being pressed caused distress to cause the riddlen
Press, stress, and riddlen, caused the cop fillas
To be heard after they see what i did to those children
I'm volgaric, and boldaric i'll throw your face flat off a terace
So you can have something to stare at

[Chorus x2]
You bout to
Journey into the mind of a psychopath killer
Blood spiller
Mentality much iller
Than you could ever imagine
In your wildest dreams
You feel his pain in his silent screams

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    I down a couple downers
    But nothing compares
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