D-12 - Desperados Ft. Almighty Dreadknaughts Lyrics

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Artist: D-12
D-12 Author
Song Title: Desperados Ft. Almighty Dreadknaughts
Visits: 811
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Yo, ay yo turn the heads and the mics up
We got the Dreadknaughts, you know what I'm sayin
Super MC, you know what I mean
Bugz, Dirty and all that, all that shit
You know what I'm sayin, Desperados with the cars, Eminem
Chauvinist pig, droven this Big Lincoln
Till it went over the bridge
Jumped out and dove in the ditch
Broke in a mobile home and stole a stove and fridge
Kidnapped the parents and left the ransom note for the kids
I'm going for your mids
Here's a body blow for your ribs
While you're clutching your stomach and bleeding all over your bitch
I know where you live, your girl showed me your crib
Unless she told me a fib
Then I'm gonna have both y'all get did
Burning incense, facing a murder sentence
Under intent, for investigation for killing infants
While I sit in padded rooms doing shrooms
Having visions of dead pregnant women with brooms jammed in their wounds
Slit your carpet and rugs, and fucked your apartment up
Sticking up all the drugs, and jumping in garbage trucks
I'm from the shitty slums that look like the city dumps
Give you a kidney punch, and mug you to get me lunch
See me every summer, layin up against the dumpster
With a one hundred dollar jumper, smothered in southern comfort
Got my Slim Shady sticker on your mother's bumper
She came home screamin a bunch of motherfuckers jumped her

Ay yo
Pursue to list em, there's no need to diss em
They be beheavin, make sure your whole breathing system
Twist them like big caps, who wants to hear that
Rap, murder rates, and I snap vertebrates
Collapse further states, my tribe reserves the grave
Your pack deserve a crate

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    This is how it happens to you
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  • Purple Pills
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    I down a couple downers
    But nothing compares
    To these blue and yellow purple pills..."
  • Fight Music
    "This kind of music, use it, and you get amped to do shit
    Whenever you hear some shit and you can't refuse it
    It's just some shit, for these kids, to trash they rooms with
    Just refuse whenever they asked to do shit..."

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