D-12 - Instigator Lyrics

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Artist: D-12
D-12 Author
Album: Devil's Night (2001)
D-12 - Devil
Song Title: Instigator
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 978
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I'm an instigator

I'm an instigator
Nigga can't you see
I'm an instigator
Ain't nobody worse than me
I'm an instigator
I be the first to beef
First to squeeze
Take heed to the words I speak
I'm an instigator
Nigga can't you see
I'm an instigator
Ain't nobody worse than me
I'm an instigator
I be the first to beef
First to squeeze
Till it hurts to breathe
Fuck with me

I love getting shit started
I instigate a peace talk into a beef talk
Until police need chalk to chalk you up
Have bitches walking up
Smacking you in your face screaming that you talk too much
Tell women you said you fucked 'em
Tell the hardest nigga you said you snuck him
Raid his pockets and stuck him
Till they gather in front of your crib
Guns and ??? clips
Laughing when they shoot at you over the wrong shit
I lock down your block with lies
It's so believable
You run and grab your shotguns, glocks, and nines
Walking blind
Incite fights until they erupt
Instigate my own death cuz killing you ain't enough

I don't give a fuck if we beefing or not
I squeeze first
I'ma heat up your spot
I'm a nigga that breathe dirt
On these streets everyday
Snatching nigga's lle'
How you bitches needing work?
You can get it from McVeigh
I'm despiteful
I tie a hoe
A maniacal vile animal
Liable to leave you strapped with your Bible
I'm psycho
My bullets won't fly by you
You wanna kill me?
You got the right to
Ain't gotta wait till night to snipe you
If I don't like you
You getting hit in broad day light with a white rifle
In front of your window I'm looking right through
I love when I see a nigga get stuck

I'm an instigator
Nigga can't you see
I'm an instigator
Ain't nobody worse than me
I'm an instigator
I be the first to beef
First to squeeze
Take heed to the words I speak
I'm an instigator
Nigga can't you see
I'm an instigator
Ain't nobody worse than me
I'm an instigator
I be the first to beef
First to squeeze
Till it hurts to breathe
Fuck with me

[Kon Artis]
(I'm an instigator)
Drama tends to follow me
I know
I probably owe all of my friends apologies
Lie to every bitch just to get her to swallow me
Get a labotomy?
Nigga this runs to my artery
Guns are a part of me
I pack more than pottery
I oughtta be jailed for depicted mockery
Ain't gon' fight
The blood on the niggas that shot at me
I don't twist the truth
I just make it gothic, see?
I'm nothing but a liar
With a big ass mouth, dick, and fists
Big enough to knock your bitch ass out
Got no reason to tell you the truth
But to be honest with you
I rap with him
But I don't like Proof

Nigga fuck you
Me and Swift got plans to jump you
Type of nigga to shake your hand and stomp you
(I'm an instigator)
Convinced a tenth grader
To run up inside his classroom
And leave the kids sprayed up
Bitch straight up
This is the season for squeezing off triggers
On niggas for no reason
Either jump or quit running your mouth
Pull a gun out
Better use it till the bullets run out

I'm an instigator
Nigga can't you see
I'm an instigator
Ain't nobody worse than me
I'm an instigator
I be the first to beef
First to squeeze
Take heed to the words I speak
I'm an instigator
Nigga can't you see
I'm an instigator
Ain't nobody worse than me
I'm an instigator
I be the first to beef
First to squeeze
Till it hurts to breathe
Fuck with me

I throw a brick at your crib
Having you standing on the porch screaming
(Look what you did!!)
I ain't feeling no remorse
Nigga just pick up the kids
Swift got first dibs
On these cherry hot slugs
That'll barbeque your ribs
I'm preparing death beds
Quick to bust lead
While I'm staring at the feds
Tearing off their legs
Once you drop dead
They'll be swearing it's a plague
I'm sicker than a ???????
watch the ???????? with dreds
You could shake if you move
Ditch with no clue
Don't put shit on your tape
With your skits and interludes
And once I finish you
They wouldn't put it in the news
I'm nuts so you hoes ain't got the guts to interview

I'm an instigator
Nigga can't you see
I'm an instigator
Ain't nobody worse than me
I'm an instigator
I be the first to beef
First to squeeze
Take heed to the words I speak
I'm an instigator
Nigga can't you see
I'm an instigator
Ain't nobody worse than me
I'm an instigator
I be the first to beef
First to squeeze
Till it hurts to breathe
Fuck with me

I'm an instigator

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    That's how people get fucked up
    This is how it happens to you
    That's how people get fucked up..."
  • Purple Pills
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    I down a couple downers
    But nothing compares
    To these blue and yellow purple pills..."
  • Fight Music
    "This kind of music, use it, and you get amped to do shit
    Whenever you hear some shit and you can't refuse it
    It's just some shit, for these kids, to trash they rooms with
    Just refuse whenever they asked to do shit..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Devil's Night" album, click "D-12 Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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