D-12 - Thats How... Lyrics
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D-12 Singer Lyrics
Thats How... Song Lyrics
Devil's Night (2001)
Song Title:
Thats How...
Rap: Hip-Hop
Print Version
This is how it happens to you
That's how people get fucked up
This is how it happens to you
That's how people get fucked up
If you a loud mouth
Trying to wild out
And we just how you laying
And we peep your style out
(You a punk)
When you chilling out in front of your truck
And get stuck
That's how niggas get fucked up
No love at home with your infolks
And the world just keeps fucking with your mental
And all these kids making fun of your trench coat
That's how students get shot up
[Kon Artis]
Hating on us but you come to our show
Fuck them niggas, I crowd surf and you let me go
Oh no
Whip your ass when I get off the floor
Just so you know though
That's how haters get fucked up
When the police pull you over and shit and find gonja
Now every month they checking on your piss
They getting mad cuz you ain't come back since
And now they sweating you
That's how P.O.'s get fucked up
When your mans hook you up with a bitch
Over the phone
And when you see her
She ugly as shit (God damn)
Now at the end of the date she want a kiss
And some dick
That's how blind dates get fucked up
Say we got a real crew with a lot of skill
And only one nigga in our crew make the dollar bills
Y'all fools just mad cuz y'all ain't got a deal
Local rappers talk too much
[Kon Artis]
You don't like this pain
But you roll with punks
Manage to trip the alarm
And you all get stumped
Cops got AK's
Y'all only got pumps
That shit's just dumb
That's how Cruzzie?? got locked up
When your ass wanna walk in the club
But 'stead of telling you to wait
The nigga wanna push and shove (move)
They get trampled from the niggas you brought
So move over
That's how bouncers get fucked up
[[[-Chorus x2-]]] :::....Typed For D12nation.com
When you get your guns outta the stash
And gather all your homies up
To go and shoot up a pad
Soon as you finished y'all run out of gas
You better haul ass
That's how drive-bys get fucked up
Mixing weed with the brew
Extacy and Kalu, gasoline fumes
Nitrous balloon
Acid tablets and magic mushrooms
That's how D12 get fucked up
[Kon Artis]
I like your records
But my album ain't dropped
Dr. Dre's my favorite
Bitch get off his cock
Got a backstage pass and I need to get off
Wanna meet da-da-da Doc?
That's how groupies get tossed up
Drop outta school
Take drugs and molest sluts
Got your girlfriend sucking on my left nut
Your parents don't like me, but guess what (what)
Cuz Bizarre don't give a fuck
Chokin' your wife all in front of your peeps
She toss a brick through the window of your Jeep
They back together by the end of the week
That's so sweet
Slim and Kim argue too much
Invite a ho to your house
While your bitches out
Now you got this dick
All up in her fuckin mouth
Pull it out
And then you bust off on her favorite blouse
That's how Clinton got caught up
[Kon Artis]
Steal cars, wreck bars, got fucked up beyond
Recognition, walk in 50 clubs like we stars
Our mission every day is just to smoke bongs and fuck bitches
That's how Runyan Ave. is cut
When your life wasn't raised up right
See your mother coming home
With different niggas every night
And then you run in to the one you don't like
So get the fuck off ::shooting::
That's how step-dads get fucked up
This is how it happens to you
That's how people get fucked up
This is how it happens to you
That's how people get fucked up
This is how it happens to you
That's how people get fucked up
This is how it happens to you
That's how people get fucked up
Thats How... Lyrics
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