D-12 - What What (featuring Da Brigade) Lyrics

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Artist: D-12
D-12 Author
Song Title: What What (featuring Da Brigade)
Visits: 763
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(Repeat * 3)
All my ladies say What What What
And all my dogz say What What What
Ladies and gentlemen may i grab your attention
Its the dopest M.C from the midwest
Did i mention?
So clap your hands and stomp your feet
And party on down to the Bizarre kid beat
Throw your hands in the air so i can feel it
?its the big guy rappin with the idiotic __?
Forget your small talk watch Bizarre kid get wild
Garauntee to get your girl warm like a reptile
Big chubby guy comin straight from 7 mile
Your girl heard my style
And said ?oo he's foul?
So tell your man to stop trippin bro
Or he gunna get rushed by 10 guys he dont even know
Representin the __, moneys wut im gettin
** still gigglin bush ** , my styles forbiddin
Its the big guy, do the butterfly to the ground
And the base head bounce
Man i got that packed down
Man forget the night
We gunna party till the day
And im a strip dance at your girlfriends cabera
(Repeat * 3)
All my ladies say What What What What
And all my dogz say What What What What
Does Bizarre roll with Slim shady? - Yah yah
Quick to drive up in your Mercedes - Yah yah
Datin ladies nearly 80 - Yah yah
Now who in this rap game could fade me?
Some of you rap guys never heard of me
Somtimes I be in Dallas or even North New Jersy
Forget the Moet we drinkin Hen dog all night
And pass the __ so I can get high as a kite
A slow song come on its time to dirty dance
And right now Im grabbin any girl I can
Grab her butt cheeks and hold her real tight
And tell her me and you were gettin ?wild the night?
Gimme your beeper number and checks before you leave
?Ai yo call me tomorow and ask for Steve?
Oh no this sh

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    This is how it happens to you
    That's how people get fucked up..."
  • Purple Pills
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    I down a couple downers
    But nothing compares
    To these blue and yellow purple pills..."
  • Fight Music
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    Whenever you hear some shit and you can't refuse it
    It's just some shit, for these kids, to trash they rooms with
    Just refuse whenever they asked to do shit..."

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