Da Entourage - Bunny Hop Lyrics
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Bunny Hop Song Lyrics
Da Entourage
Song Title:
Bunny Hop
Print Version
Artist: Da Entourage
Album: Entourage I
Song: "Bunny Hop"
Typed by: dandamanw83@hotmail.com
Da da da da da da dah,
Da da da da da dah
(Verse One 2x)
All the hoes with your drawz in your ass,
And you got blue beads fallin' out your glass.
Old man don't want you in the club.
When your pussy pops, you start fights in the club.
You come through in your rental car.
Bitches, darlin', you might know you a star.
You come with four or five hoes.
Down to fire anything straight out the do'.
They say you actin' kinda funny (Actin' kinda funny)
I heard you boppin' for that money (Boppin' for that money)
You say you lookin' for a baller (Lookin' for a baller)
Girl, then let me spoil ya (Girl, then let me spoil ya)
I'm so glad I got my own,
I ain't worried about Josephine.
My life's a natural hop.
Won't you bunny hop with me?
I'm so glad I got my own,
I ain't worried about Josephine.
My life's a natural hop.
Won't you bunny hop with me?
(Verse Two 2x)
You gotta make sure both hands on the floor.
When you wobble wobble, pop ya ass on the floor.
You bounce it, then you pick it back up.
Now, you can tell that I want to fuck.
You look and you say "Nah nah,"
But after while, my boy's goin' down.
How your nipples and your titties start to sweat.
Girl, I know that fire pussy's starting to get wet.
(Chorus 2x)
(Verse 3)
Do the bunny hop.
Won't you drop it, shake it fast?
You were ready in the club,
So you better shake your ass.
Don't pass on the song.
Just hobble on the floor.
Show them hoes you a star when you wobble on the floor.
When you hobble on the floor,
Nah get your shine on.
Don't worry about the next nigga,
Get your shine on 'cause I'm getting mine on.
I ain't worried about you.
If you like to party hard, then I like to party too.
(Verse Four)
Bunny Hop with it.
Ah come on, come on.
Ah Bunny Hop with it.
Ah come on, come on.
Ah Bunny Hop with it.
Ah come on, come on
Ah Bunny Hop with it.
Ah come on, come on.
Bunny Hop with it.
Ah come on, come on.
Let me see you, let me see you.
Bunny Hop with it, ah come on.
Come on, bunny Hop with it.
Ah come on, come on.
Bunny Hop with it.
Ah, come on, come on.
Let me see ya shake it, wobble ah come on.
Come on ah, bunny Hop with it.
Ah, bunny Hop with it,with it,with it.
Bunny Hop Lyrics
at Lyricstrue
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