Da Nine - Absolutely (Story Of A Girl) Lyrics
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Absolutely (Story Of A Girl) Song Lyrics
Da Nine
Song Title:
Absolutely (Story Of A Girl)
Print Version
This is the story of a girl
who cried a river and drowned the whole world
and while she looks so sad in photographs
I absolutely love her
when she smiles....
how many days in a year?
she woke up with hope but she only found tears
and I can be so insincere
making her promises never for real
as long as she stands there waiting
wearing the holes in the soles of her shoes
how many days disappear
when you look in the mirror so how do you choose?
Your clothes never wear as well the next day
and your hair never falls in quite the same way
you never seem to run out of things to say...
This is the story of a girl
who cried a river and drowned the whole world
and while she looks so sad in photographs
I absolutely love her
when she smiles....
How many lovers would stay?
Just to put up with this shit day after day
how did we wind up this way
watching our mouths for the words that we say
as long as we stand here waiting
wearing the clothes of the souls that we choose
how do we get there today
when we're walking to far for the price of our shoes
Your clothes never wear as well the next day
and your hair never falls in quite the same way
but you never seem to run out of things to say...
this is the story of a girl
who cried a river and drowned the whole world
and while she looks so sad and lonely there
I absolutley lover her
when she smiles...
Your clothes never wear as well the next day
and your hair never falls in quite the same way
you never seem to run out of things to say...
This is the story of a girl
who cried a river and drowned the whole world
and while she looks so sad in photographs
I absolutely love her....
this is the story of a girl
her pretty face she hid from the world
and while she looks so sad and lonely there
I absolutely love her....
This is the story of a... girl
who cried a river and drowned the whole world
and while she looks so sad in photographs
I absolutely love her
when she smiles....
oh when she smiles!....
Absolutely (Story Of A Girl) Lyrics
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If I Am
"So your standing on a ledge,
It looks like you might fall.
So far down,
Or maybe you were thinking about jumping...."
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